El Shaddai

 We were the blessed recipients of tickets for an Amy Grant concert Saturday night
She appeared at the Fort Wayne Embassy Theater and was accompanied
on several songs by the Fort Wayne Philharmonic Orchestra.
 Our friend had received the tickets as a Christmas gift
but was unable to use them since she had a knee replacement 
earlier in the week.
My favorite was Ms. Grant's classic, El Shaddai, 
sung toward the end of the evening.
We will praise and lift you high,
El Shaddai.
One of the stanzas of this song refers to our God's provision
for His people, Israel, as He brought them out of Egypt.
Coincidentally (?) this coincides with the Exodus passages I'm currently reading
as a part of my read-the-Bible-through-in-a-year plan! 
Music once again ministered to me at many levels,
refreshing me emotionally, physically and spiritually.


  1. Replies
    1. It was sung so beautifully in my opinion. With maturity..... Different from a young adult singing it. (Does that make sense?)

  2. Nice! Glad you were able to go! I also am reading in Exodus and though I enjoy a great many of Grant’s songs, that is a favorite.

    1. I haven't kept up with her at all.....But I DO remember this one, Sing Your Praise to the Lord, and Angels Watching Over Me. (I think that last one was my favorite.)

  3. I am always in AWE of God's timing, He knows exactly what we need and when. Amy Grant has always been a favorite of mine, especially the singing of this song.
    Your Alzheimer's post was great, very informative. I would have been trying to help by reminding them of the past facts! Thoughts and prayers for guidance and strength on this journey!

    1. Thanks, Sue❤️ you are so right about God's timing....


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)