A Look Back at the Holiday

 The 2017 Thanksgiving holiday is history.
The much-anticipated Cracker Barrel dinner was a disappointment.
(Plate containing the meat and a spoonful of cranberry relish
came out sans the cornmeal dressing and sweet potato casserole.  
"It will be done in about 15 minutes," the waitress informed us.)
But games were played, and Father and I enjoyed the day and were thankful
for the innumerable blessings of life and the past year.
...a game for two...
Late that night, Hubby returned home safely from his marathon Thanksgiving travel.
Friday was spent away in the company of almost 40 family members.
Saturday found us at home where I served a soup lunch
and later enjoyed a short shopping trek to local Amish stores
with my sister-in-law who with my brother and two of their grandchildren
stopped in on their way back to North Carolina.
Only a grandson remains with us.
and I make a mental note of what I already know--
I am much more of a one-on-one person than a crowd-person.
In fact, the older I get, the more awkward and unsettled I am in a crowd...


  1. My husband is not a huge fan of crowds either. I can usually deal with them, but still would not shop on Black Friday. I am sorry to hear that Cracker Barrel was a disappointment, we considered that. Our day was plagued by sickness. My daughter and my son were both unable to be here.

    1. I HAVE learned that expectations are critical. I try not to have expectations and just accept what "is". The Cracker Barrel experience was disappointing only based on a previous very positive one from a Thanksgiving a few years ago.....It din't ruin our day :) We didn't let it!

  2. Rebecca, your words in the comments about expectations is why you and your dad were able to have a lovely holiday together! Its interesting how we change over the years. My daughter and her family left this morning and I found myself ready for a rest! But the day was ahead of me and I had a lot to accomplish. God is good and I'm thankful for time together!


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)