Thanksgiving is More...

I'm not "blue"...I'm blessed!
As my family is scattered today, I'm realizing that THANKSGIVING is MORE.
More about heart than hearth; 
more about perspective than place; 
more about the eternal than the ephemeral; 
more about togetherness than turkey; 
more about satisfaction than stuffing.

Cracker Barrel serves a great thanksgiving meal!
In a few hours, my father and I will partake.
Today my husband travels many miles to be with parts of our family
and home again.
Tomorrow we travel together - a different direction -
 to be with other parts of our family
and home again. 
It matters not.
Thanksgiving IS more!


  1. You are SO right. A grateful heart is what's important . . . this day and every day! Enjoy this special day with your father (and that yummy Cracker Barrel lunch!) and tomorrow and all the days of this season!

    1. Thanks, Cheryl! God bless YOUR gathering and crown your day (and entire season) with grateful hearts and warm relationships. ♥

  2. Absolutely! Last year we ate at Cracker Barrel in Florida with Tim's mom and the family members who traveled down with us. It was delicious and fun!

    1. Gary and I "happened" on it one year as we traveled. Were unaware of Cracker Barrel's thanksgiving tradition. Now thankful for it! Heading out in a few minutes to try to get ahead of the rush.

  3. It sounds like your Thanksgiving celebrations are FULL, full of love & family.

    Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)