All Things Are Possible

Our weekly local newspaper comes up with some good stuff every now and then!
I took a photo of a small part of a full page ad this morning 
touting a local business's ability to customize
(just what they can "custom", I'm not sure....).
I had a good chuckle at both the spelling in the next line
AND the apparent limitation to their customizing ability.
"Anythiing is possible as far as possible goes."
I'm thankful that possible goes a L-O-N-G way
with the Heavenly Father!
In fact,
 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible,
 but with God ALL things are possible.”  (Matthew 19:26)


  1. I wonder if they do weddings?

  2. Sorry I missed the duet post, I would loved to have been a guest at the recital, friends are one of God's great joys for us.
    I am so glad that our Father is in the business of possibility! Thank you for visiting. I will try and make this short,..
    It seems I am being stalked on my blog this site with no known os, or browser, visits many times a day, for weeks this has been going on, I probably would not have done anything but I have had a commenter make comments that has been accused of pornography on their web site, and it seems when I went to reciprocate the comment there were people in the comment section cussing them out for putting porn in their comments. the two incidents to me were not coincidental. I felt like I needed to take my post down just in case they were copying my photos of children and grandchildren. We are living in a very disturbed world today. The stalker is from England.
    I decided they weren't going to win and take away something I enjoy so much, I wrote a post hoping they would read it and run, I have since took it down. Instead of running they have visited my blog numerous times today. Go figure.
    I apologize for telling this in your comment section, please forgive me, I would not want to offend anyone. Did I say this was going to be short?
    Thank you for your support and encouragement.

  3. Hahah! :-) it caught your eye and now ours— so it is a successful ad!

    1. That's RIGHT! (Or at least one way to look at it, LOL!)

  4. That gave me a giggle! I'm with you - thank God that nothing is impossible with him!

    1. Amen! (It's good to know our limits, isn't it?!?)


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)