A Remarkable Season

Too beautiful to waste the unexpected sunshine of these February days.
So we walk.
The three of us.
Thankful for nature's supply of Vitamin D.
Sometimes we sit.
To catch our breath.
To take in the view of quiet, Amish countryside.
This is a remarkable season.
I am so thankful for it.


  1. God's continued blessings on the three of you. Glad you had some nice temps to be outdoors.

    Have a lovely week ~ FlowerLady

    1. These days! Still too wet to get in the flower beds...Can't wait.

  2. Looks like a beautiful place to walk. Glad you got out in the sunshine. I hope some walking is in my future.

    1. Oh, I hope so for you, too, Claudia!
      Even just sit in the sunshine if you can. What a difference it makes in my outlook.....

  3. We spent yesterday afternoon outside. It was wonderful! Hard to believe it's February.

  4. So smart of you all to take advantage of these sunny, temperate days! It makes the dreary ones more bearable.

    1. Sure does (make dreary ones more bearable)! We took advantage of similar weather in a similar way yesterday!


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)