Backseat Rider

Here's the gift of gratitude: In order to feel it, your ego has to take a backseat.
What shows up in its place is greater compassion and understanding. 
Instead of being frustrated, you choose appreciation. 
And the more grateful you become, the more you have to be grateful for.
(Oprah Winfrey)

It's easy to be a backseat driver.
It's even easier to be a backseat driver
when you're not even in the same car.  (Rick McCallum)

For me, self-gratification eventually took a backseat
to trying to do something collaborative with other people,
to trying to make something new. (Ariel Pink)

It was funny to just take a backseat and be like,
“Wow, I might be in this crazy place,
but maybe I don’t need to understand everything,
maybe I don’t need to be else.”  (Zach Condon)

As you can see, I frequently ride in the backseat these days.
Since Father came to live with us, 
he sits in the front seat with my husband, our driver.
It was strange at first, but now I kind of like it.
Along with Zach (above), I've come to realize
"Maybe I DON'T need to understand everything...
maybe I don't need to be else!"


  1. Great quotes and there is good spiritual truth here too!

  2. Hi Rebecca,
    Well ya know most back seat drivers don't even sit in the back seat and they are
    always telling the driver what to

    You are sweet to give up you seat to your Dad, and you clearly know Life is not
    all about you...........

    Hope this finds you doing well. Got a kick out of all your back seat shots,
    very cute idea and post. Point clearly taken.

    Blessings, Nellie

    1. ....just thinking sometimes of the little changes that come from bigger ones. Things a person never thinks of until afterwards. (And I don't think about "giving up". It just happened naturally!)

  3. I recently rode in the back seat and found it quite liberating :)
    No worries, although I tried not to look out of the windshield, just the side windows.....
    You look like you are enjoying your time there !

    1. That's right! Quite liberating!
      And yes, I'm enjoying my time riding in the back seat...


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)