I'm a slow learner, too

"Poor robin!"  I wrote on facebook this morning.  "Keeps flying into my window.  Repeatedly.  I'm pretty sure she can't see a reflection...too cloudy out there.  What's going on?"

It hurt ME to hear hear it and watch it!  

"OUCH!  She's a slow learner," I commented after several hits.

WIth  the wind aggressively blowing the snow flakes, the bare tree branches offered no solace to the poor full-breasted robin.  I wanted to help her but didn't really know what to do.

"I feel a blog post coming on," I commented once more.  And here it is!  It was hard to hear it and watch it because it reminded me of how often I'd done the same thing--flying into an invisible barrier, banging my head, and repeating an unproductive and hurtful action or habit.  And most of the time without a consciousness that there was a Silent Observer.  Someone whose heart hurt to hear it and watch it!  

OUCH!  I'm a slow learner, too.
 "When he finally came to his senses...he returned home"  (Luke 15)


  1. This is almost painful to read, it hits so close to home! Reminded though and grateful that our Silent Observer is slow to anger and quick to bless! That translates into hope!

  2. Oh I thought the same thing about myself recently when I felt my faith lacking...oh my!...I am a slow learner

  3. This is so beautiful Rebecca...you really know how to make your point and tie it into faith in an extremely relevant way!

  4. "I 'get' this!" says one slow learner to another. :D

  5. aren't we all? we just keep coming back around
    until we GET it! thank you for the word picture.

  6. Great analogy Rebecca! I think we all have diplomas from the school of hard knocks.
    You made me think of what Jesus said to Saul(Paul) at his conversion...
    "And Saul said, Who are You, Lord? And He said, I am Jesus Whom you are persecuting. It is dangerous and it will turn out badly for you to keep kicking against the goad.[to offer vain and perilous resistance.] Acts 9:5 Amplified.

    I'm trying hard to keep from beating my head against walls these days...LOL

    1. Debora, Yes! That's ANOTHER great Biblical reference to this phenomena--"kicking against the goad"!

  7. Ouch! I resemble this remark.. Hmm.

    Blessings, Debbie

  8. Makes me think of a shopping cart I saw one day at Wal-Mart. Somebody put a little note on it that said: Hard To Push.
    I never want to be hard to push.....unteachable.....someone that KEEPS running into the same window.

    1. Dear Mo. That TOO is a blog post! (I think I'll take along a sticky note or two just for this purpose, too. I've had my share of "hard to push" shopping carts.)

  9. Hi There,
    I simply adore the photos of your home..and I especially like this analogy about the poor slow learning robin...Lord knows,I sure can relate!
    ~God bless~


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)