Time to Think and Be

a chalkboard my husband recently constructed...
It is impossible ever to estimate rightly the essential significance of the Quaker movement without a clear appraisal of the importance of this *call to stark sincerity. And this call to sincerity lies at the root of the Quaker attempt to live the simple life.There is no fixed standard of simplicity.  What is simple for one person often seems very complex and extravagant for another person.  There is no known calculus for simplicity. Simplicity at its best and truest is this utter honesty of heart and life, this complete sincerity of soul before God and in relation with our fellow men so that we truly struggle to be what we tell God we want to be and what we profess in our social relations to be. A Quaker must get out and keep out of the ruts of duplicity and sham.  That is a basic Quaker way of life which gets back to its original spirit.
~ Rufus M. Jones
It just seems like a good day to contemplate this statement.  I've "bolded" the sentence that I really want to digest today.  Remnants of the furious storm in the prairies reached northeast Indiana during the night, and all is still outside. Our Ladies' Home Connection (Bible study and luncheon) was cancelled this morning in response to school delays and closures leaving me unexpected but welcomed time to think and be.  I don't intend to waste a minute of it!

*A "call to stark sincerity" ...  What a concept!


  1. And now I am contemplating it as well.

    I spent 7 years in the Quaker church. I adore this group of believers! Even so, I'm called to think upon this thinking again today. Thank you for the reminder.


  2. I hope that all is well after the storm...
    Regarding simplicity....sigh. I need more of it in my life.
    Hugs to you and yours.

    1. All IS well, Jackie. I had very little to deal with - stayed at home and enjoyed a low-key day :)

  3. "Simplicity" such a simple word, with so much to think about, as i have gotten older it seems to be one that begs me to try it on for size. Thanks for sharing, I always leave here with much to ponder and am always so blessed.

  4. Sue and I had to cancel our day because of weather... but I had the best day with Frank...it was meant to be. :)

  5. The bolded quote added itself to my journal. A lot of food for thought. "Utter honesty" is my heart cry.


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)