Seriously now!

With  I Corinthians 6:15-18 as his springboard, Ray Ortlund wrote:

"Your body matters.  Your body belongs to Christ.  Not to you, to follow your impulses, but to Christ, to exalt His glory.  Not just your soul, but also your body.  It is the humblest part of you, but Christ says it matters to Him.

Epictetus taught that the mind and soul of man had divinity, but man’s body was something in common with the animals below.  Paul taught that both soul and body belong to Christ above.  He is present as our Lord and Savior in the whole of what we are, including our sexuality."

While I sometimes "cross train" in my various blogs, THIS time I'm almost duplicating my post in Power, Love and Self Control. It definitely fits there, but I think it fits here, too...

(Do YOU ever do that?  "Cross-train," I mean?)

I found Ortlund's second paragraph above especially interesting.  I, along with many other Christians, would not dispute its truth.  If we "stumble" at it, I think it's because we limit its implications to sexuality.

There certainly are other ways to abuse one's body.  For me, one area was in overeating, eating food  that had no nutritional value, and eating food that was downright harmful to my body and its various systems!  

Clearly there are distinctive and unique physical ramifications of sexual immorality or else God wouldn't have been so specific about it.  But the principle of our bodies belonging to Jesus applies to my food choices and eating habits  (and many OTHER issues related to my physical body). 

He (Ray Ortlund) said it SO well.  
"(My) body belongs to Christ.  
Not to (me), to follow (my) impulses, 
but to Christ,  to exalt His glory."

It's WONDERFUL to belong to Jesus - body, mind, soul, spirit - 
HOWEVER you want to put it!


  1. Hi Rebecca,
    Good post and oh so true. My drug of choice used to be sugar, not that I never eat it, but I eat way way less than I used to, and it used to make me nervous and cranky at times, so definitely not beneficial to christlike behavior for sure.

    Thanks so much for coming by this morning and for all your sweet well wishes to me on my almost 60th birthday! Another exciting biggie.... I am sort of in awe over it really,
    can't believe I made it here so quickly, but also thrilled that I have the capabilities to do the things I can still.

    Looking forward to the week,
    and my breathing is still going well, it's one week today!!

    Blessings sweet friend, hope you have a wonderful week too.

  2. Oh yea, I meant to tell you that looking at decorating magazines is one of my warm fuzzies as well, especially when I find one that has ideas that will work in my home...............

    Have fun,

  3. Great post, I absolutely believe God is interested in our bodies, beyond just our sexuality.
    That's why I believe so strongly that it's important what clothes we wear and how much they cover us. I don't think women need to wear turtle necks and dresses to their ankles, but I think it's important NOT to draw attention to our bodies either, with tight clothing and plunging necklines. It's clear that God wants women to act in a feminine manner and appear feminine and men to be act masculine and to appear masculine.
    I like reading what you think, thanks for this one.
    Hugs Cindy

    1. Yes! Another principle radiating from this fact - that we are not our own, but "bought with a price".

  4. Yes well our bodies are our temples! I do pretty good with the eating part Rebecca. My problem is as soon as I stop riding my bike or some other form of exercise, the pounds come right back on.
    I can eat bird seed for a month and nothing will happen unless I ride my bike EVERYDAY, which I've been slacking off of lately!
    Love Di ♥

    1. You make a strong case for the fact that movement/exercise is another critical component of optimum health!

  5. I have let all my stress go to my hips...I am sure satan is thrilled. I have started to be careful of the amount I eat. I am doing pretty good. I was finally able to release a lot of things to the Lord which has helped me a lot.I was thankful to have a good report from my yearly physical this year...I feel I got a second chance. I am working on discipline!

    1. Good for you, Dee! A good report on an annual physical is something to celebrate!

  6. I love Ray Ortlund. And yes, I agree with you, our bodies belong to the Lord, so we need to be fit for the kingdom assignments He has for each of us. Satan just loves to derail us, so we are not fit for the work!

    Thanks for this post, Rebecca...

  7. I love Ray Ortlund. And yes, I agree with you, our bodies belong to the Lord, so we need to be fit for the kingdom assignments He has for each of us. Satan just loves to derail us, so we are not fit for the work!

    Thanks for this post, Rebecca...

  8. Oh Dear! Your post was meant for me. I've been eating like a horse this week. Actually worse than a horse. I don't think horses eat burgers, fries, and cinnamon rolls, do they? I needed to read your post today. Seriously. Thanks!

  9. Oh HOW I have missed your wisdom and words. I love you friend. This is so good for me. I was such a food abuser. It really had become an idol to me. I am down 22 lbs. now. Battling some gut issues but I think it is internal stress. Dad is doing well. I hust keep making a longer to do list. I need to pitch it and sit on the porch and read Patsy Clairmont!

  10. I am not my own. I was bought at a price. Therefore, I must honor God with my body.

    I've been working very hard at watching what I eat and keeping a good pace to my walking. I want to be healthy and not harm this temple. I realize that I am decaying every day, but for as long as God allows, I want to be able to serve him. A healthy body is a good foundation to serve from.

    Blessings to you this week.



Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)