The Old Is Just Fine - Part 2

More old  from my previous post...
A couple of days ago a young friend facebooked  a link:  "I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous) by Chris Tomlin - YouTube."  The title sounded very much like a song I've known and loved for many, many years.  Imagine my absolute thrill to discover that it IS this OLD and familiar song!  Both its tune and its words were written by Charles H. Gabriel in 1905.
  I stand amazed in the presence 
 of Jesus the Nazarene, 
 and wonder how he could love me, 
 a sinner, condemned, unclean. 
 How marvelous! How wonderful! 
 And my song shall ever be:
 How marvelous! How wonderful 
 is my Savior's love for me! 
Why were we/ARE we so quick to abandon it?  Hopefully THIS generation will continute to discover the beauty and depth of some of the old hymns and gospel songs for themselves. Kudos to musicians who use their "platform" to reintroduce some of the best of the old along with all the new...

 9.  Music - old AND new!


  1. This was a song my mother used to sing as she cooked dinner! I love it and I think Chris Tomlin and Fernando Ortega have done more to bring back a love of the old hymns than any other artists. I listen to both of them all the time.

  2. There is so much value and worth and beauty in the "old". I prefer character over new and modern any day.:) This sounds like a lovely song, I'm glad it's been revived!

  3. My daughter played a 'new' Chris Tomlin song for me the other day while we were in the was this song! I told her it was an old one! We love to listen to Fernando Ortega too, he has some great arrangements of old hymns! I love for my children to know them!


  4. We play and sing this at church.
    Beautiful song....

  5. I love this song, Rebecca, and also appreciate new artists who are reviving the old hymns.

  6. I simply love the old hymns. We sing a lot of German ones in church. Most of them I do fine with but every now and then they sneak one in that I have such trouble with!
    I don't recall "I Stand Amazed". I would have to hear it. Love Di ♥

  7. Yes, very often the old is nicer and has more depth and value than the new... I like the embroidery, it's very nice. Love from London xo

  8. I love this old hymn! Thanks for praying for the building permit for our church!

  9. I try my best to also play some hymns for my children and I am loving all the artist that are bringing them back. Even in our services they are being sung again...different melody line, but the same words. I see they have deeper meaning the older I get.

  10. This is a favorite hymn, and I am happy that we sing it at my church about once a month.


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)