It's Time

Does anyone else do this?
I think it's time to sort,
evaluate, discard,
and record if necessary.


  1. Funny how we keep stuff... the only time I see it is when I go through it to get RID of it!

    1. I have been writing "important" stuff on the fly on whatever is handy. Now find NONE of it worth recopying..

  2. I do it but use my camera. Then I have to copy them in the correct journal. I let them pile up too much.

  3. Yes! I have fewer paper scraps but same problem with phone! Trash? Archive? File? Copy into journal?

  4. If it doesn't make it to my calendar/journal, out it goes. I do have a prayer list that goes in my wallet and that just gets added to.


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)