To Crop or not To Crop

The other evening on a way to a meeting,
 we saw this beautiful cloud formation.
I snapped the photo through the car window.
When I got home and showed it to my husband,
he suggested I crop out the telephone pole toward the left.
I informed him that if I cropped it out,
half the beauty of the cloud that attracted me in the first place 
would be eliminated as well.
Almost immediately, a "life lesson" occurred to me.
I have my flaws.
Society suggests coverups.
And if those pressures weren't enough, 
something inside me wants to "crop" out my flaws from the eye of the public.
Now, I'm not advocating letting it all hang out,
but I AM suggesting NOT putting up a false front
to the extent that I cut out a good part of the beauty that lies within me
because of the life of Christ Jesus in me....
Indeed, "Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me".


  1. All His wonderful passion and purity. I have many pics like this and have not taken many because of the things that get in the way. Good thoughts today.

    1. You know it, too.... "Oh thou Spirit Divine all my nature refine..." ❤️

  2. Great post Rebecca. Sometimes it is better to leave the photo as is. 'Flaws' can't always be covered up, they are part of life, in photos as well as in real life.

    God created masterpieces in His creation and in each of us humans.

    Have a wonderful weekend ~ FlowerLady

    1. Sometimes the "flaws" are what make us unique.... YOU have a wonderful weekend, Lorraine ❤️


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)