A Place

Two lanterns hang on our front porch.
Several weeks ago, we noticed a nest being built in one.
My husband quickly glassed in the one side through which the bird
accessed her construction project.
I left the nest there and filled it with a few artificial Easter eggs.
It never occurred to us to "fix" the OTHER lantern.
Wouldn't you know!  Now we have a nest and five eggs in that "other" lantern!
This morning I jotted in my journal:

Bird made nest - 5 eggs -
in the lantern hanging on porch.  NOT the one Gary glassed in.
What an enterprising bird.
Finding a way--
to do what she was driven to do! 

As I wrote, I saw myself in that bird.
Just one step behind.
Still in some ways (at age 69) finding ways and
to do what I need do
as seasons change and "nests" are "glassed in"...
Hmmmmmmm.  Life lesson here!


  1. Oh, sweet! Why did he glass it in? You could have missed out on babies! :)

    1. No eggs in the first, partially completed nest. Just a lot of mess below the lantern... Seeing the eggs in this one, we've left it. Have NO idea how 5 babies are going to fit into this small place (but I guess Mother Bird MUST have some instinct about that...).

  2. We are placemakers in the world. We can make a place only for ourselves or we can make a place where others are welcomed to join in the life God has given to us!

  3. HI Rebecca,
    Love your new back ground, so fitting for Spring. and how fun to have a nest with eggs,
    and you will get the joy of seeing them crack out of their shells soon, and watch Momma
    bird feed them and hopefully teach them to fly away. I get such a kick out of that sort
    of thing.....
    Saw your post about your grandchildren, glad you got to see them.....I know that has to
    be so hard that they live away but looks like yall made the best of the time. Love the
    pic of you with your grandchildren.....you looked very happy.....
    Take care hon,
    Have a blessed week

    1. Thanks, Nellie! The background will change soon! Lilac and forsythia are going to be leafing out any minute now :) And yes, the eggs have hatched already!


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)