The Club

"Welcome to the 'Club'!" I wrote on her Facebook page.  She was announcing her aging mother's decision to accept their invitation to move in with them.  No longer able to live alone in her home hours away, this transition was now in the making.

"The Club" was my reference to doing life together with Dad who moved in with us about a year-and-a-half ago.

"Thanks," she responded, adding:  "Someone said this will be the most difficult thing we have done and also one of the best things we have done!"

To this I replied, "At times, I guess, you may feel that way....but mostly it is what it is. Neither best nor difficult are adequate or accurate descriptions to me. And neither extreme matters. What matters is what the Father knows and sees - which isn't confined to what we or others around us see/know."

What's true of "The Club" isn't limited to arrangements we may make with aging parents.  It applies to how we view and handle multiple situations and challenges that arise throughout our lifetimes.  Indeed, what matters isn't what we or others see and know, but what the Father knows and sees!  This truth sustains and strengthens me every time I fall back on it!


  1. For some reason, this is how it goes. You are cared for when you are young, then you care for others, then you are cared for again. It's probably good for us in some way.

  2. What a blessing to read of the encouragement you gave to your friend, truly what matters most is how and what God sees in us.
    Thank you for sharing your encouraging thoughts, as I know my Mom who is 90 may one day have to make the decision to leave her home.
    Blessings, Sue


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)