Truth Walking

A very brief and cherished visit with our son brought a verse to my mind - 3 John 4 .  
So this morning, it was THIS verse I compiled from several versions
as #16 of 30 for my personal monthly challenge.  Here's how it turned out:
 “I (could) have no greater joy (grace) (greater joy have I none, nothing makes me happier) than (these things) to hear that (that I should hear of) my children (sons) 
are walking in (following, walk, living according to, living in obedience to) the truth 
 (that I may hear of my children in truth walking).”
 We crammed a lot of conversations into the less-than-24-hours
we had together and included a visit to my parents in Ohio.
There, our son, himself a very active pastor, 
spent time with his grandfather, a retired pastor.
The photo, taken by my husband (also a retired pastor),
shows our son poring over the typed sermon notes of his grandfather
gathered in a loose-leaf notebook.
It's true.
I HAVE no greater joy
than hearing of our children "truth walking"
It is the pastor's supreme concern to help his flock
know the truth and then live in the truth
(Alistair Begg)


  1. What a lovely post.

    Have a nice weekend ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thank you, Lorraine. You, too (a pleasant weekend.) Strange weather here! Woke to snow-covered ground...

  2. It's good to see the bond you have with your son. And, how he is carrying on the family tradition!



Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)