Communicating "I Care"

Time was at a premium as I began the day.
It would include a noon meal with a few elderly 
(well, older than me) friends.
One had gone to great lengths to arrange the details, make the calls,
and communicate the time and place.
Outings were rare for these precious ones.
I wanted to bless them with something in addition to my presence and listening ear.
I copied A Morning Prayer from Patsy Clairmont's facebook page
that had blessed me as I started the day.
I cut them out, glued them on top of a few floral cutouts,
and attached them to a thicker paper.
I used the hot glue gun to glue a few sweet-shaped buttons to the cards,
and WALLA!
I don't consider myself to be creative or very artistic,
but this was a simple way to pass on a bit of encouragement to these special friends.
What other simple, inexpensive and uncomplicated ideas 
do YOU have for a tangible way to say, "I care"?


  1. What a wonderful idea! Glad too, that you had this time together!

  2. Hi Rebecca,
    What a lovely idea, and they really came out nicely. Bet the Ladies loved them.
    I am sure they loved the time you all got to spend together as well.
    Time really is a great way to say you care too.
    I like to send ecards..........

    You have a good day, nice to have a chance to run by.
    Hope all is well with you and yours hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  3. That is a beautiful and caring idea! I am also not very creative with crafts and such but I think sharing a thoughtful quote or beautiful prayers like this is a beautiful idea! And one that would be much appreciated by most!

  4. What a special thing to do for those ladies, and I'm sure they really liked it....I know I would! I adore Ms. Patsy Clairmont...such a wise little lady.


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)