I Love You Sooooooo Bad...

Dementia has claimed a large part of my mother.
What remains captivates my heart and mind.
The hours I happily spend with her are filled with an odd assortment
of curiosity, compassion, concern and companionship. 
Thursday, she was unusually alert (for her).
I wheeled her outside to enjoy the flowerbeds and pleasant sunshine.
I fed her a snack - juice and a frosted cookie.
I played familiar music from my computer - Gaither, George Beverly Shea,
Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, the DeZurich sisters, etc.
We listened to several versions of the ABC song.
We enjoyed watching each other suck on a DumDum lollipop.
Orange and butterscotch.
We joined her fellow residents to play a familiar game of balloon toss.
Mother was able to raise her hands to meet the balloon more than once or twice!
I wiped a tear mixed with joy and admiration for her effort.
I fed her supper.
It was hard to leave.  I kissed her and said, "I love you, Mom."
And then I heard it as plain as day--
"Oh! I love you SOOOOOOO bad!"
Rarely do her words make much sense anymore,
but I understood every one of these.


  1. Thank you for this story that touches my heart.
    Continued prayers for you and for your dear Mama.
    Love the love shared here.
    Hugs to you, Rebecca.

    1. Thanks, my friend. And I for you and yours ♥
      These are precious days.

  2. Precious words! I know you'll hide them in your heart!


  3. I loved this picture when you posted it on FB. I love the words here also. We are dealing with this with my 100 year young mother-in-law and also so friend's mothers. Your words are truly a blessing. You are a wonderful daughter.

  4. Oh this brought tears to my eyes! "Oh! I love you SOOOOOOO bad."

  5. Oh my...this touched my heart so. I'm gonna try to remember that phrase.

  6. Hi Rebecca,
    What a sweet post, it sure made me puddle up a bit..........and yes, isn't that true we love some one
    so much that it can feel bad when they are gone from us............Precious words!
    You are a lovely and sweet daughter to her.........these are precious and special times and you will
    have NO regrets when she leaves this earth..............
    Love and Blessings hon,

  7. Oh, and I loved the picture, so cute and so sweet...........
    blessings, Nellie

  8. Oh Rebecca, this is so beautiful So touching. These are precious moments you are spending together. All my love and prayers for you!


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)