
Jesus replied, "You don't understand now what I am doing, 
but someday you will."  (John 13:7)
So much of what is happening TO me and AROUND me
is covered by this verse.  
(I'm certain that I'm not alone.)
Can I be honest and say that sometimes it's no easier for me to be reassured by this now
than when I was told it by a well-meaning and wise parent as a child?
Even as I type these words into my post,
I'm aware how selfish and immature they sound.
I'm embarrassed by my confession, until I remember how gently Jesus spoke
 to Simon Peter that day--
quietly addressing his anxieties;
taking into account his personality;
entering into dialogue with him--
all the while accomplishing HIS purpose.
Somedays, someday can't come soon enough for me!


  1. Our Sunday school teacher has taught me so much about transparency ....that's just what you're doing here....being open and honest. I believe God honors that! I for one feel such a connection when you speak TRUTH!

    1. Two hearts connected by truth! What better fellowship could there be :)

  2. It's so hard for me to be open and honest about my weak areas. Like you l sometimes feel embarrassed. In the back of my mind I think, "Mary, you are a Child of God, you should not be weak, but strong in Him." That's just satan talking to me.....I should not be embarrassed, I should be open about the fact that in my weakness He holds me up, gives me His strength to overcome. I am so thankful for all He does in my life. Blessings galore....

    1. I think the 7th chapter of Romans is a really good example of the interplay of our strengths and weaknesses. I don't want to "flaunt" my weaknesses, but neither do I want to present a false front. It's a fine line. No one knows the true extent of my weaknesses except Jesus - and when I am weak, then He IS strong. I'm SOOOOOOOOO thankful, too.

  3. It really is a fine line, Rebecca. I do admire anyone who can be transparent and I sometimes find I can't. I want to be an encourager and not show my own weaknesses. We have to do both to truly be useful and truthful though.
    I keep you and yours in my prayers.
    Blessings and Love~

    1. You are a GREAT encourager, Sandy! And some of the greatest encouragement I have received has been from those who have had their share of pain. In my particular (current) situation, I draw strength from knowing "someday" is coming :)

  4. Your honesty helps me....and I thank you for posting your feelings, Rebecca.
    Sending you love,

  5. It is true and someday is closer than you think....♥

  6. Just checking on you. Hoping you're having better days !

  7. Heaven is sounding sweeter all the time.

  8. I think I understand what you're going through...I've been praying for you and will carry the baton for you for awhile.

  9. Thank you, Terri! (I read about the "carry the baton" concept on your blog once - and really appreciate it.)


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)