
In my last post (Should/Could/Want To), I boldly stated that my next one
would be titled "Done"!
And then life happened.  A 650 mile garage sale - one part of it shown above....
 A canning experience with a friend (her house, her jars, her cucumbers, my grandmother's recipe),
  a leisurely evening at our local minor league baseball stadium 
with some of my husband's co-workers,
three drives and mornings spent with my mother and father - 
Saturday's in the wonderful company of my sister.  

 No, I DIDN'T get the table and piano cleared off,
but I DID have time to write out a doable arrangement of The Lord's Prayer
to use as the closing song in our Sunday morning service.
(I was surprised to know that the members of the music team
leading worship didn't know it.)
So "DONE" could be written over my week...
just not in the way I predicted or envisioned it.
You can make many plans,
    but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.
Proverbs 19:21 NLT


  1. You had a productive week, whether or not all of those things were in your plans. That verse from Scripture is a favorite of mine.

  2. Hubby and I were just talking recently how it usually does us no good to make plans. God just up and changes them on us! :) You still got a lot accomplished!!! HOPE you have an awesome day!

  3. I like how you casually say, "I wrote out a doable arrangement of The Lord's Prayer." How awesome is that?!

    You are so faithful to your parents, Rebecca. That is such an example to us all and a blessing to them.


    1. Only meant "doable" enough for me to "read" and play from.....:)

  4. Enjoyed my wee visit. That garage sale looks like it would have been fun to browse at.

  5. Enjoyed all your pictures, especially your sweet parents. I would enjoy a yard sale like that.

    1. Can you imagine 650 miles of it? I remember seeing a special awhile back on TV - people who actually make a weekend of it! Haul a trailer for their "finds"; stay in B&Bs or motels on the way, etc. I was exhausted after 4 or 4 large lots of them. All within a mile or two of each other!

  6. Hi Rebecca,
    It's like the saying goes Life is what happens when we are making our plans!! lol
    Sounds like a good week to me, God often times has other plans than ours, but that's okay,
    cause maybe it was meant to do the other stuff this week instead...............I have found it so
    much easier as I have gotten older to let go of my plans.............cause I used to be a big planner,
    not that I still don't plan, but I plan more loosely
    Hope you are doing well. Sounds like you are getting around well and getting out.............all good things.
    Blessings, Nellie

  7. A yard sale like that is both a dream come true and a nightmare. I like the idea of what treasures I could find but would be utterly overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices! lol

  8. Rebecca! ~ You have been a busy woman! As I don't have another way to contact you - I have healed well from my accident in March (still some tendon healing happening in my left hand, but God is an amazing healer and I am most thankful). Now, I'm busy packing our home as we're moving at the end of the month onto just less than 2 acres of a 25 acre farm property (posted on my blog). God is good and has provided a new home for Joy Bell Farm. Hope to focus on my blog activity after we get moved and settled. Goodbye city, Hello country! Blessings upon blessings to you ~ Joanie

  9. Isn't that so true, DONE, but usually not how we thought. There is such freedom in the fact that He established our foot prints. What a great week.

  10. I absolutely enjoyed this post, from the title, to the words, and the photos. What a fulfilling week it has been, definitely, and what a joy to share it with you.



Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)