Retire, Read, Reorder

  I'm SO sure that most of you don't have old
(August 1993)
issues of magazines hanging around your house.
Well, I do.  
Not many--but a few select ones--in a few choice spots.
Most of the time, I feel slightly embarrassed about it.
But this time, I'd like to share a sentence from one.
The farmhouse seemed a retreat far from the world—
a  place where an ascetic aristocrat might retire 
to read philosophy and reorder his soul.
I think the words retire, read and reorder
are what caught my attention.
Right now, I'm just rolling them around in my mind.
Tomorrow (and for a few days) God-willing, 
I will have time to do just that.
Can't wait.


  1. Wherever I sit very often there are stacks of things - books, magazines, paper, things to write and underline with. I literally make a nest! Hope you are well.

    1. I AM well, Myra....and I have stacks and nests, too.

  2. I like old magazines. My mother has a lot of them I reread. They always seem "new" to me. I'm a nester, too.

    1. I'm like you, Pamela. The ones I've kept, I reread and they DO always seem "new" to me.

  3. Oh, I'm a lover of old magazines. I buy often old magazines in the 'kringloop' store.I near the fireplace and read. So, do you want an old Dutch magazine about country life? I send it to you from the Netherlands. I think you'll love it :-)

    1. Oh! That would be incredible (an old Dutch magazine)....and having a fireplace with actual fire is still only a dream for me....

  4. Enjoy your three R's Rebecca! I do keep old magazines! smile~

  5. I have magazines from the 80's! I keep most December issues of Country Living (remember me and Christmas!) and the "timeless" ones like Colonial Homes (magazine now defunct) and Early American Life (a friend gave me a subscription for Christmas!) I have a drawer where I keep the ones I can't part with and look at them often. I have a couple Life Magazines from the year I was born and love looking through that over and over! And I definitely could use a RETREAT where I could (temporarily) RETIRE from the world to READ and REORDER my soul. Love it!

  6. I have magazines from the 80's! I keep most December issues of Country Living (remember me and Christmas!) and the "timeless" ones like Colonial Homes (magazine now defunct) and Early American Life (a friend gave me a subscription for Christmas!) I have a drawer where I keep the ones I can't part with and look at them often. I have a couple Life Magazines from the year I was born and love looking through that over and over! And I definitely could use a RETREAT where I could (temporarily) RETIRE from the world to READ and REORDER my soul. Love it!

    1. A drawer would definitely NOT hold my old magazines.

  7. I keep mine till my daughter and friends come over and confiscate them with my permission...then they keep them and I look at them when at their house...sometimes I bring them back and keep them till time passes and they want them again LOL...


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)