Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

 Yesterday, I realized that I don't "wake up and smell the coffee"!  
Instead, I'm convinced that I smell the coffee and wake up!
 Yes, indeed.
My husband makes the coffee, frequently rising a few minutes before me.
And then it happens.
I smell the coffee and wake up.
...our simple, unimpressive coffee corner
I think this observation from everyday life explains something 
about coming to faith in Jesus Christ for personal salvation and eternal life
AND faith for "overcoming" daily!
The Apostle Paul wrote about it THIS way in Romans 10:14:
But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? 
And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? 
And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?
 Faith comes by hearing...
and hearing by the Word of God.
First the coffee; then the PHYSICAL wake-up.
First the Word; then the SPIRITUAL wake-up.
How is it with YOU?
Do you wake up and smell the coffee or
smell the coffee and wake up?


  1. Smell the coffee first . . . funny, sometimes this annoys me. I don't always take to my awakening. Now there's something to ponder going forward with my day.


    1. See?!? Me, too. 'Cept it never annoys me....just calls me downstairs! I can't resist it.

  2. Great food for thought, Ms. Rebecca.....or coffee for thought!!! ;-)

  3. I prepared hot chocolate for hubby this morning...and scrambled eggs with rice poured into a heart-shaped mold. A surprise breakfast for him; he usually makes the coffee, but I got a heat start on him this morning.
    Thanks for the wake-up reminder. It got me motivated.

  4. I am a tea drinker, but not until mid-morning, so it's my little dachshund that wakes me up by licking my nose! That'll get you goin'!

  5. Interesting analogies, but I'm not a coffee drinker and have no coffee drinkers in the immediate family! Sorry! Blessings to you this Christmas season!

    1. You're possibly the healthier for it, Lori :)
      Merry Christmas to YOU and your family, too.

  6. I wake up and make the coffee. It's not the BEST part of waking up though......having a quiet morning and doing as I should, is the best part. Right now I'm reading 'Free Grace Broadcaster' and THEN SINGS MY SOUL by Robert J. Morgan....possibly the best book I've ever read about hymns and their writers!.....and Romans 12.


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)