Wrapped....in Silence and Awe

My heart/mind have been in an unusual place lately.  I really lack words to describe the heaviness and sadness that overwhelm me sometimes as I see the pain, hurts, sinfulness, and LOSTNESS of the world around me.  At the same time, my hope and confidence in the sovereignty and ultimate goodness of God wash over me and wrap me securely in a cloak of silence and awe.   Here are some recent tweets that have encouraged me, enlightened me, and brought correction to me in the past week or so...

recent "finds" at My Favorite Thrift Store
Have you been asking God what He's going to do? He'll never tell you. God does not tell you what He's going to do; He reveals to you who He is. (Oswald Chambers)

Don't let what matters most give way to what matters least.  (Louie Giglio)

The very man who argued you down will sometimes be found to have been influenced by what you said. (C.S. Lewis)

Diversity is a strength. Disunity is a weakness. (Rick Warren)
Good people aren’t perfect, just PERSISTENT!  "A righteous person falls seven times, but he always gets up again" Prov24:16 (Rick Warren)

"When Solomon was old his wives turned away his heart." 1 Kings 11:4 So you can be wise when young and foolish when old. (John Piper)

a fading hosta in our flower bed
What makes pride repulsive is that it is self-worship. "God be merciful to me a sinner." Luke 18:9-14 (Dr. Crawford Loritts)

Obedience to this God who values the visible and invisible equally has led many truly great souls into long seasons of anonymity. (Alicia Britt Chole)

Wickedness, when you examine it, turns out to be the pursuit of some good in the wrong way.  (C.S. Lewis)

"Spirit-filled Christians are evangelizing Christians." (Alistair Begg) 

Let’s ask God to help us not to let secondary issues stand in the way of sharing the gospel. Some arguments are unproductive distractions. (Dr. Crawford Loritts)

 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”
Psalm 46:10


  1. Great quotes. I went on retreat about 18 months ago. The retreat master was Fr. David Mary from Our Lady of the Angels Oratory, one thing he said really stuck with me. It was basically this, "rather than think who is God to me, turn it around and think who am I to God", when we think like this we realize just how important each and every one of us is to our Lord.
    I also like a quote from Fulton Sheen, he had a CBS tv show forever ago, apparently CBS wanted to call his show, "Is Life Worth Living". Fulton switched the first too words because he felt the selected title seemed to offer no hope, he got his way and the show was named, "Life Is Worth Living"!!! How wonderfully hope filled Fulton's title became with a little tweak.
    There are so many inspiring quotes to read and absorb.

    Thank you for sharing some great ones today,


    1. Thank YOU, Bean. Life IS worth living. Sometime it just silences me, though....

  2. Great quotes....I have a fondness for "words"!!!

  3. Each quote speaks to me...especially how we can still be foolish when we are old. Thanks for taking the time to share them... it goes right along with the quote "Spirit-filled Christians are evangelizing Christians. "

    You always find the nicest pictures.

  4. I understand the heaviness. Today a friend of my niece's lost her 35 year-old husband. They have 10 children. I can't even fathom that pain.

    As always God used your quotes to speak to me.

  5. i have just spent a most enjoyable few minutes catching up on your latest posts. As always, they encourage and inspire me. i especially love the quotes. i don't "Twitter" and frankly don't know how, but i love it that you share all of these gems of wisdom.

    1. Jackie, the only reason I "Twitter" is to collect these quotes. Then I "retweet" the ones I really like and they go into (what I call) a "file". That is, they all end up in one place. So many times I have been encouraged and motivated by them. These are just a few of the latest.

  6. Thank you for sharing such encouraging and wise quotes Rebecca! Wishing you a beautiful fall.

  7. Morning Rebecca,
    Have so enjoyed all these quotes, as it is so true that are hearts can be
    so distressed and grieved over the moral degradation that seems to be happening at a very rapid pace every single day. And Jesus was grieved as well, as He wept over Jerusalem, but it so helps to know that we serve a
    God who is sovereignly in control of all that we see and even tho it looks
    bad, He really does know what He is doing! Most times people have to come
    to the end of themselves with nowhere else to look but up.........and so
    it is with our society, but I am hopeful because I believe there is more
    than a remnant of his children in the U.S.A...........so hoping for a revival if He tarries in His coming...........and even if not, His grace
    will carry us through, He is with us always, even to the ends of the earth.
    Blessings Sweet Friend for this lovely post.

  8. Thank you for your sweet wishes for my birthday, lovely Rebecca! Yes, there's a beautiful, big river that also runs down there, with woods and mountains sorrounding it..and I just adore the view!Beautiful each quote you shared and perfect for my special day..I'll take them as a present from you to me and our dear God. Big hugs and have a blessed Sunday.

  9. I think I know how you feel, it's an assault on your spirit, your tender heart, how vile this world can be, and there's this longing to be with Him.

    1. Yes--all of that (along with an awareness of my own sinfulness and potential for darkness except for the grace and mercy of God)!


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)