A Full One

Last night's sunset
Yesterday was a full one. Our gas tank wasn't!
Hostess (L) & Host (R)
  • Sunday School and Worship Service.
  • Dinner at our favorite (and only) local restaurant with visitors to our church.
  • A drive to Coldwater Lake.
  • Lazy conversation, devotions, prayer and games with our "Home Connection" group (1/3 of those present seen here...)
  • And on the way home--a first!  We ran out of gas.
  • (Our gas gauge is broken.)  He thought he knew how much was in the tank.  He didn't.
  • Thank the Lord for cell phones (ours and Bob's).
  • Bob, one of our group, was traveling somewhere behind us.  We were able to contact him.  He brought us gas and we were able to make it to the next gas station.
  • Nearing home, this is what we saw...
Oh.  About the Life Lesson of my previous post, 
"mine" was that I want to be like the black-eyed Susans--
beautiful (especially inwardly) AND beautifying.  
Inadvertently, I learned another Life Lesson!  
Many perspectives create beauty not unlike the multiple colors 
of the beautiful rainbow we saw last night.  
One color a rainbow does not make
Therefore, if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort in love, any sharing in the Spirit, any sympathy, complete my joy by thinking the same way, having the same love, being united, and agreeing with each other.  Don’t do anything for selfish purposes but with humility think of others as better than yourselves.  Instead of each person watching out for their own good, watch out for what is better for others. (Philippians 2:1-4)


  1. Beautiful picture of the rainbow in the clouds. Sorry you ran out of gas but the blessing was you had cells phones and a friend just when you needed close by.

  2. Full day,indeed. I have never run out of gas in the car. So glad your friend was able to help you out.

    The rainbow is beautiful...


  3. A tad hot to be sitting in a car. Whatever did we do without cell phones? It sounds like a nice Sunday in spite of the way it ended.

  4. Running out of gas ...not good..but being at the right place at the right time to see the awesome rain bow..VERY good.:)I am also happy to see your heavenly garden shot displayed on your blog.

  5. One of my favorite passages of scripture!

    Yesterday, My husband and girls went to the lake and ran out of gas in the boat. He was able to tip the can to get just enough gas to the line to make it to the dock. If only we could do that in the car...

    Blessings, Debbie

  6. Mining for beauty amidst devastation! It's always available to us as we are willing to look deeply into the face of confusion and loss. Love the rainbow and black-eyed Susans. Love all the ways that God is birthing beauty beyond my scars.


  7. What a beautiful sight to behold. God is truly amazing isn't he? I am glad that you were able to get help when you had your gas situation. We've had that same problem with vehicles before...but with the gas prices now...I'm sure it makes the situation even more annoying for you.
    I LOVE that verse...if you don't mind I might share it today for facebook. It sort of jumped out and spoke to me :)
    If you could, please keep me in your prayers, as I have a couple of things coming up for me at the doctors office in this and next week. I'm still not feeling 100% so any thought and prayers would be very appreciated..
    Blessings dear friend, Hugs, Jerelene

  8. So glad you had your phone and help was
    near! I have never run out of gas and
    hope I never will.
    The rainbow is just beautiful! His
    promise beaming brightly!

  9. Beautiful pictures, Rebecca. I've missed visiting your place here and reading your words. They always draw me closer to Home.

  10. Morning Rebecca,
    You were right tomorrow is another day, and I woke up feeling terrific and peppy today, and I slept like a rock, just like the night before, but when I sleep that hard I usually dream a lot, and I think I woke up yesterday and had been dreaming and got up to help hubby get off, but think I got up too soon was the problem maybe, course, who knows.......at any rate I feel super today, and am so happy about that!!

    Loved your devotional on the black eyed Susans,
    and that is a good wish....I wholeheartedly agree and would desire that as well.

    Sorry about you gas gauge event, so glad you had someone to contact that could get some gas to you quickly, and it all turned out well. You wonder what we did before cell phones.......

    That reminds me of a wonderful story of God's goodness that happened to a couple of friends and I years back. Think I am gonna go write about it and put it on for Monday Manna next week.

    You have a wonderful day my friend,
    Love and Blessings, Nellie

    Oh Yea...........those were gorgeous pictures!
    The Lord paints the most beautiful skies

  11. Beautiful picture, Rebecca! Makes me love Him more.

  12. Some gorgeous photos Rebecca and glad you made it home safely. My husbands fuel gauge on his truck was broken as well. He hated it. Just had it fixed this past weekend, it was still under warranty thank goodness.
    Hope you can get yours fixed soon. All in all it sounded like a nice day! Love Di ♥

  13. Beautiful picture...how awesome. Just like our God who isn't finished with any of us yet and continues to mold us into His image. So glad someone was near to help...again God's provision.

  14. Incredible photo. Another reminder of where out help comes from.


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)