Tempus Fugit

Last night we attended the annual Christmas party for an organization my husband participates in.  The food was delicious;  friendship and good-will prevailed; the gift exchange was conducted in an entertaining manner.  It was one of many events that combine to make time seem to FLY during this season.
For me, the simple lighting of the Advent candle at our little church each Sunday
is the call to intentionality amidst all the activity...
Time is the coin of your life.  It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent.  Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.  ~Carl Sandburg
...last week, a public display of nativity sets; this week parties, ladies' Bible study & gift exchanges.
Next week, our Lady Bugs Christmas meeting. Wednesday noon advent meals.
An evening dinner with friends.  Then comes the Candlelight Christmas Eve service, my 62nd birthday,  a much-anticipated extended family Christmas gathering,
and far too soon - 2011.

Tempus fugit 

Buy up your opportunities (Weymouth New Testament)

...making the best use of the time (English Standard Version)
Ephesians 5:16


  1. Oh another pretty new look over here! I LOVE stars!

    I looked at the calendar this morning and just cannot believe how fast and furious this month is progressing. I missed two weekends that I normally would have gotten the cleaning and decorating finished between our SC kids being here and then me getting the flu.

    So, I'm doing the best I can to keep is sane, simple and sacred!
    And I'm trying to live in each moment and enjoy it instead of stressing over what is not getting done. It's a different season of life and I just need to accept that, and I do.

    Thanking the Lord for our friendship Rebecca! You are only a month older than me, almost to the day, by the way!

  2. For a moment I was confused and didn't know where I was, Rebecca...your blog has a different look. Showing first on my reading list was "Tempus Fugit"...I follow Sheila at ~Tempus Fugit~ who has a red background, thought I was there, but just for a "moment"! Your post about intentionality and time being well spent made me smile.

  3. I recall, warmly my complete involvement with a faith community - and at Christmas, when we served at the home less shelters I was so humbled and blessed. Since my separation from the 'church' I have found ways to commune, serve and celebrate faith in the most simple and wonderful ways - I do miss a "faith community", but that is not where I belong or feel safe. This blessed Christmas season I am reminded of random acts of kindness and sharing what we have to offer hope and warmth and love to others. I am humbled and gratified to serve.
    Love to you this season and always
    peace and hope for us all

  4. Wanda - I'll go check Sheila out!

  5. Gail, I WANT to tell you that there ARE genuine "faith communities" out there and God designed life to be lived in them.

    I'm glad you've found ways to commune and serve and celebrate faith simply... May you also celebrate and find peace and joy in Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith (as the Bible describes Him).

  6. I love to read about activities that people participate in at this time of year Rebecca.
    The quote by Mr Sandburg is so true!!
    I also enjoyed reading your last post too.
    Your new blog design is so pretty, great job.
    Thank you for visiting me and for your sweet notes.

  7. Hi again-

    I am the best of friends with Jesus - we are so in love that I could blush. If you read my post that I emailed you about I hope you can understand why I am not safe at 'church'. Jesus didn't have any structure to lead and love and teach - and I believe you when you say that there are safe faith communities - I do.

    Love to you

  8. Truly these are silent nights, holy nights!

    Wish I'd been at that dinner. Everything looks scrumptious.


  9. Christmas blessings to you and yours...sounds like you are having some blessed times during the season....enjoy...Shelley

  10. you have a very busy few weeks ahead of you!
    i hope every activity is a happy one.

    thank you for your dear prayers.

  11. And I'm sure being a pastor's wife, there are many many little (and big) things you do that the rest of us have no clue about. Bless you!

  12. It certainly does seem that time flies...especially in December, but what wonderful and sacred celebrations they are! I'm enjoying every moment and when I sing those beautiful Christmas songs, me eyes fill with tears at the wonder of it all!

  13. Morning Rebecca,
    I know I can hardly believe it is just 2 weeks till Christmas........I need to get the lead out!! lol
    Our faux tree is only half way put together and I still have some decorating to do. Know what I am making for Christmas dinner, but need to figure out Christmas brunch still.
    Our shopping is done, cause we didn't do much,
    and I am making everything else. Need to make a few more things but shouldn't take long.
    But I have to say I truly enjoy every minute of every festivity.
    I am reading a lil book by Pastor Rick Warren called "The Purpose of Christmas". and it has been a special blessing, as is listening to Christmas music all along the way. Love love love it! but like you say 2011 will be here before we know it!! Amazing!!

    Like you new Christmas look....I am not totally happy with mine, but it was the best thing I found, but didn't want to spend a ton of time
    looking!! lol

    That is a very good quote by Carl Sandberg - that is so true because sometimes people make you feel like you have to do things you really don't feel led to do and if we cave in it jams our schedule so full you just are too worn out to enjoy anything!!
    I am addicted to living a peaceful life.....
    because I don't believe God is the God of frantic activity, I believe he is the God of Peace!! Think scripture supports that....Since
    Jesus was never in a hurry.

    Blessings for a joyous Christmas Season!!

  14. Nellie, That phrase "addicted to living a peaceful life" resonates with me. I'm so glad you typed those words this morning.

  15. Rebecca,

    Looks like a beautiful time was had by all. Love your list at the end of all the BLESSINGS you are involved in upcoming and...may I be the first to pray a beautiful Birthday for you on your special day.

    Just the thought of JESUS warms my heart.

    Blessings and love!

  16. Hi Rebecca,
    I have been visiting your blog off and on this past year... and here I am again, on such a beautiful post. Your words are few and simple yet direct to the point.

    I love how you focus on intentionality - and that Sandburg quote, how true. Time is the coin of our lives indeed, and if we are not careful, time is dissipated, wasted... and we are the poorer for it.

    Happy Birthday in a few days, dear friend.

    Your posts reflect a heart that is full of wisdom yet uncluttered.

    May you have a new experience of Jesus this Christmas.

    Much love,


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)