Proverbs 31 - A Birthday Paraphrase

A husband of noble character I have found.  He is worth far more than diamonds.
I have full confidence in him and lack nothing of value.
He has brought me good, not harm, all the days of our lives together.
He selects wood and paint and works with eager hands.
He is like semi trucks bringing his supplies from afar.
He gets up while it is still dark and makes our morning coffee.
He considers a good buy at the thrift store and by ingenuity improves it.
He sets about his work vigourously.  His arms are strong for his tasks
He aims his study and practice toward results and his lamp doesn't go out early at night
He takes up his tools into his hands and holds the hammer in his grip.
He visits the sick and ministers in practical ways to those in need.
When  it snows, he has no fear for his house for he has prepared it for the changing seasons
He pays attention to his appearance and dresses attractively.  He speaks well of me and shows his appreciation publicly.

He works with precision on projects such as dollhouses and yard art.  
He prepares powerpoints to accompany his sermons.
He is known for strength and dignity and does not fret over the future.
When he speaks, it is with wisdom.  Faithful instruction is on his tongue.  He watches over the affairs of his household and is not lazy.
His children and grandchildren are proud of him.
And so am I!
I wish him a Happy 60th Birthday and honor him with these words:

"Many men do noble things, but you stand heads above them all"
Charm and sex appeal are overrated and deceptive, but a man who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Give him the honor he deserves and let the results of his work bring him even more recognition.


  1. God bless your dear husband on his birthday, and always.

  2. What a wonderful tribute to your husband! I am so impressed with your paraphrase! You truly have a God-given gift for writing. This was beautiful.

  3. BERNIE, thank you for a lovely birthday wish for my husband. Unfortunately, I was trying to talk to him as I saw it on my email and I accidentally pushed the "reject" button instead of "publish". I was really bummed! I don't think I've EVER done it before and can't figure out any way to retrieve it once rejected!

  4. Thank you. You could not have given me a better birthday gift. Though the words may be exaggerated. I appreciate your love and thoughtfulness. I love you!

  5. Happy Birthday Gary!

    Having such a husband makes all the difference in the world, to a marriage and to yourself personally. Happy for you Rebecca!

  6. A very happy birthday to your dear husband...sounds like you got a keeper indeed...God bless you the family photo

  7. Happy Birthday to your Gary! Your paraphrase is beautiful and a wonderful tribute. You must add that he is nice looking. :)

  8. Lovely words Rebecca! Wishing Gary all of the best on his sixtieth birthday!
    Love Di

  9. Excellent! Isn't it a wonderful thing to actually feel in your heart all these words you have written? I will save this because I feel the same about my husband.
    Happy Birthday to your very special husband!

  10. Beautiful tribute, written and spoken from a treasure trove of understanding and love! You are blessed, as am I.

    PS: You are a winner! Hop over to the blog for details.

  11. Such a beautiful tribute to your husband!

    Thanks for sharing these thoughts, and pictures, and links!


  12. Could someone please pass the Kleenex? My keyboard is getting wet! This is the nicest blogpost I think I've ever read. What a beautiful, loving tribute to Gary from one in the best position to know! And to finish it off: "Give him the reward he has earned, and let his works bring him praise in his community!"


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)