My Journaling Habit

For many, many years I have journaled. For the past several years I have used one kind of journal - shown here and purchased for $9.95 at Barnes and Nobles. I write on the right hand pages to the end of the book, then turn it over and write on the right hand pages again! I get close to a whole year in one journal. I write early in the morning and record the events of the previous day. Then I make notes on the Scripture I am reading for that day and write out my prayers. I record progress in weight or projects I am working on. Everyday I list 5 things for which I am thankful. Sometimes I sketch or doodle; sometimes I attach a flat souvenir with scotch tape. Special pages at the beginning of the book are used to list books I read, quotes that "grab" me, and highlights of my life are indexed by date and with a brief summary. Besides reading God's Word and praying, this is the one activity from which I profit most.


  1. Years ago(1982) I started writing things of note down in a small desk calendar...then in '84 started using "one year book calendars" ...then graduating to journals when my grandchildren came along...I have separate ones for nature. Now blogging is becoming almost like journaling for me...That's a unique idea of writing only on the right to the end...and then turning and starting over.
    You have a wonderful blog and I agree with Thoreau's "Measure Your Health" Take Care

  2. I STILL carry around a 3x5 (?) date book with enough room to jot quick memory jogs and specific information & quotes to journal the next morning. I find it very hard to part with them at the end of the year. How long should a person save them? And WHY? Bloggin IS almost like journaling...I just don't get quite as specific, do you?

  3. I used to journal, but haven't for a long time. It was really helpful when I was facing challenges with my kids. I really ought to again, but goodness, it sounds like your journaling is rather time-consuming! Donna

  4. Not is so tied in with my "devotional hour" that I'd say I spend a total of 1 hour in and out of Bible study, prayer, and reflection.....

  5. I love the pics of your journal. I have always "envied" people who journaled. I have tried for years, would write a page or two and then would forget. I love the look of the written word on pages, but was always one who was too busy doing what ever... I think that is why I like blogging, it has turned into a type of journal for me.

    Your pictures of your garden are beautiful.

  6. You are a true dedicated journal-er (is that a word?) I have a journal but it has drawings of my feelings-the one's that burden me and are being surrender to the Lord. It is easier for me to draw than write. Dee

  7. I SO "envy" your talent to draw. I sketch, but very crudely. Sometimes I can't HELP myself - I just HAVE to try to express myself in sketch or doodle.....I think that is why blogging has been so satisfying to me - it gives me a chance to create something in addition to words (which fail me frequently....)

  8. I think it's wonderful. I try to keep a similar diary, i know how it's important! I read about it in the book "A way of artist" Сameron Julia. And sorry for my english)

  9. Been journaling for several years. I do some on computer but still like the flow from thought to hand to paper. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Amen to "the flow from thought to hand to paper"! Somewhere in that process, much clarification takes place for me.


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)