Could it be this Easy?

A "congratulations" to Debra Langworthy on her 19th blogaversary led me to this experiment...and here I am!

For the past 7 year following the death of my mother, my father (now 96) has been living with us.  

 That and other changes which I may (or may not) decide to include from time to time, have prescribed much of my daily routines and plans (or lack of them).

 I do wonder how many of my original blogging friends remain here...I myself have been active on Facebook through the years and keep in touch with a few.

Well, I can see that formatting may or may not be correct, but so pleased to see I can still post new materia!   

In spite of changes, the Lord has been faithful to us, and I find myself eager to continue growing in my knowledge and experience of Him.

I still enjoy discovering the beauty close to home!


  1. Oh Rebecca! Thanks for sharing this link with me (and of course for your congrats here and at my blog.) I was going to ask, "Are you sure the formatting changed that much?", because I'd really like to see your blog. Then voila! Here we are. Keep it up and thanks again so much!

  2. We are long time bloggers and blog friends, I began blogging in 2007. Congrats to Debra on her 19 years. What a blessing that you are honoring your father by having him live with you.

    1. How good to hear from you! I remember well!


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)