I'm a Beginner

...at prayer.
At almost 70 years old,
I'm still a beginner.
I'm learning prayer isn't reading books
about prayer.
It's not composing a prayer list.
It isn't only an oral or silent recitation
of requests.
I'm finding it to involve
much more listening than I imagined...
as much a response as an initiation.
But then again, as I said before,
I'm just a beginner.


  1. I think we'll always feel like beginners. I agree about the listening. Something that way too often I don't take the time to do - listen. But I try to keep an ongoing dialogue throughtout my days, not just a specific time of daily prayer. This does allow me to hear from the Lord, more than if I just sat quietly for a while.

    You're such a great example of continuing to grow and learn for your whole life!

  2. How refreshing to see your transparency here. I am one year behind you, but with you on all the books and studies on prayer. When I look at all the books I have in my house and on my Kindle, I know I am still a beginner, too. I need to listen better. I need so much in the area of prayer and not left feeling I am lacking so greatly in the quality of my prayers. I long to touch His heart. I do the same as Deanna above.

  3. Dear Rebecca ~ I will be 70 in 6 months. I am learning that prayer is conversation with Jesus our Savior, our Friend, God Almighty, our heavenly Father. Prayer is not as hard as it is sometimes made out to be. It doesn't have to be lengthy, or full of thees and thous. It can be simply saying His name, sometimes that is all we can say depending on what is going on in our lives. Sometimes it is an unburdening of our hearts to Him. It can be prayers of thanksgiving and prayers of praise. Prayers of confession and repentance. It can be in our quiet times, or all throughout the day while we wash dishes, work in our gardens, clean, cook, work at our jobs, play. Prayer happens in the dark of night and in our brightest of times. He is just a breath away. Our great God hears all of our prayers.

    My prayer is to be open to hearing His voice. He doesn't always answer when we want Him to, or how we want Him to. But, His way, His plan is best for us and for His honor and glory. Prayer draws us closer to Him.

    I also have books on prayer, on having a closer walk with Jesus, etc. Every day is a learning and growing experience. The Bible is full of prayers by the saints and by sinners.

    Prayer is from our hearts. May we let go of ourselves, and cling to Jesus.


    1. Lorraine,I believe you have expressed the Father's heart so beautifully in your comment and I agree with your words!


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)