Better than Roses

We don't usually do a lot of decorating,
card-giving or gifting for Valentine's Day.
Still, there are a few friends in my life
who are alone or going through challenging circumstances
that I wanted to acknowledge.
So I hit the holiday aisles at the supermarket this morning.
They were very disorganized AND relatively depleted.
Still, I felt happy with these purchases.
Cards have been sent to our grandkids (all out-of-state),
and hubby and I have plans to celebrate each other later in the week.
Meanwhile, I'm comfortable and blessed by the relaxed atmosphere
in our home
which is FAR better than a dozen roses to me ♥


  1. We celebrate in our own way which you can do when you’ve got the real thing! You’re sweet to think of friends!

  2. A relaxing atmosphere is better than quite a few things...

    Love the tulips! They are my favorite.

    1. So did the recipient (love the tulips). There are several buds on the plant. I SO hope they open for her. :)

  3. Hello, found your blog in blog land...
    We are the same way, we do not go all out on Valentines day, we see it one should tell and show there spouse how much they love one another every day not just once a year..

    Blessings, renee @

  4. Gorgeous tulips !
    No big celebration for us on Valentine's Day, just happy to still be together after 48 years of marriage :)


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)