A Person Like Otis

After several hours spent on the road, delivering the bookshelf my husband made, dropping off and waiting on my father as he called on several friends in his hometown, and finishing off with lunch at Bob Evans, we returned home.  Wet and cold.  Perfect conditions for covering up in my recliner with this book.  I'd read to chapter 11 before it was due back at the library a few weeks ago.  Then I had to go to the end of the waiting list and wait until my notice to pick it up again.  Happy to have had reading time while riding, waiting, and relaxing today.

I believe my favorite line was this:  "Otis rarely had to be asked to do something; he was on the lookout for a need before it actually became one."

How I'd love to become a person like Otis!


  1. Yes, Otis would be a good friend. I love Jan Karon's Mitford series and have this one to read next and also "Come Rain or Come Shine." Great comfort reads.

    1. Yes! "Comfort read" is a good way to describe it.

  2. “I believe my favorite line was this: "Otis rarely had to be asked to do something; he was on the lookout for a need before it actually became one."

    Love that.

    I think I’d like Otis! I want to be like him too.

  3. I read some of the earlier books in the series years ago and really enjoyed them. You have prompted me to start the series again, so have just reserved Book 1 from the library.

    They are a bit like the 'Little House' books...timeless. xx

    1. My only complaint is (maybe it's my age) that I have a hard time keeping all the characters sorted out! Seems like the number grows with every book. And I can see the potential for more just by the way this one ended! :)

  4. I love this book! And your afternoon of relaxing and reading sounds great!


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)