Wilderness Wanderings

 Taking advantage of the absolutely GORGEOUS weather
after church and dinner yesterday,
Gary and I drove to a nearby nature preserve to walk a trail.
 We saw colorful wildflowers and bees and a few monarch butterflies
(which I was unable to take a photos of)...
 Seeing a couple of orange-tagged trees beyond the well-worn trail,
 my "Moses" led me through the wilderness
following what HE thought was a new trail.
 The more we wandered, the more obscure the path!
The longer we wandered, the more tiny burrs collected on my ill-chosen attire -
a skirt.
I began to question my "Moses"
and played quite well my role as a complaining "Israelite".
Only after arriving at home and after all the reluctant burrs
were removed from my skirt
did I wonder how Moses, past and present,
was able to lead in spite of it all!
Only by the grace of God, I'm sure!
I wonder if I've learned anything from my wilderness wanderings?

 To rest, go to the woods
Where what is made is made
Without your thought or work
~Wendell Berry


  1. Well, he probably wasn't wearing a skirt.


  2. I so agree, Tis the grace of God that gets us through life's situations! Thanks for the smile this morning.

  3. How I would love to take a garden/forest stroll with you some day! It wouldn't matter what state or city.....sidewalk or dirt path.


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)