Serenity, Indeed!

Little did I realize when I titled my last blog post "Serenity"
just how that word would be fleshed out in the following days.
I spent Thursday evening through Saturday morning
with friends at McClish Lake, where one of them owns a cottage.
 The experience has become an annual tradition
that I look forward to so much.
This year, I took with me the book I recently purchased for myself
after glancing at a library copy.
I was not disappointed with even one minute I spent reading Elisabeth Leseur's journal.
"Serenity" kept appearing on the pages in various forms.
I could not escape it!
In one section, she outlined her practice of daily meditation,
a monthly day of reflection and prayer,
and an annual week-long retreat.
I realized this has become my practice apart from specific intention.
How thankful I am
for THIS particular monthly day spent in reflection and prayer
in the encouraging company of true friends.
Serenity, indeed!
I strongly recommend the book.
I celebrate the aforementioned practice.
I enjoy these special friendships...


  1. The book and the lake time with friends sound fabulous.

    1. It was....the weather was "perfect", too. Just what the Lord ordered for me in His love and grace.

  2. Looking up this book.
    So happy for you for this special time...

    1. I always am nervous when I recommend a book. Have found that so much depends on one's stage in life, etc. I wonder what you'll think of it :)


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)