Missing Pieces

Too many missing pieces lately!
The last two we've done - both thrift store purchases - (wonder if I've learned my lesson).
Oh, well.
Disappointing?  Sure--.
but the pleasure of puzzling was not diminished significantly.


  1. Even with a few missing pieces I like the pictures on the puzzles. I ordered a puzzle today online and the first one that turned up was less than $7 so I bought it for a birthday gift for my stepmom. She loves puzzles with 500 pieces.

    1. The Renoir one caught my eye especially! I agree with your stepmom--500 pieces is a good size. :)

  2. We love puzzles but I rarely buy them. I'm not sure I'd buy from thrift stores for this reason, but I'll have to think about looking for some inexpensive ones.

    1. We borrow them from friends, too. I'm not one to frame 'em when we finish, so the fact that our $.25-$.50 thrift store puzzles are missing a couple of pieces doesn't matter in the long run... I didn't think we'd do them in the summer, but with Dad sharing the house with us now, puzzling has turned into a year 'round sport!

  3. My mom does this as well. She gets them from many local thrift stores and will find some with missing pieces. It is just the fun of putting them together that makes it worthwhile.

    1. That's how I feel about it, too. Sure beats paying the $10+ prices for the good puzzles...


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)