Here was a haven...

"I realized Granny’s life was predictably orderly and quiet, and appreciated the resulting calm. 
 I liked the tantalizing aromas always hanging heavy in her kitchen,
and how cookie jars (one in the kitchen, one in the dining room) 
were dependably full of spicy molasses cookies.
 There was something unique about all of that that made the world secure and right."

To Beth's words, I responded:  
"Those words reminded me of MY grandmother's life/home! 
Now I wonder if SHE realized how orderly, quiet and calm it was....
And more importantly, I wonder if ANYone feels that way about MY space..." 

Oh, how I wonder!
And how much I long for my space to be a quiet and calm place
for the vulnerable and innocent--.
for EVERYone , really, who steps inside our home.

As I settled into new, blue recliner a bit later to pick up my reading,
I found THIS paragraph--a parallel of sorts to Beth's words...

I closed the book, mused a bit,
and prayed for a quiet spirit.


  1. Ah, Miss Read. I love these kinds of books that are enjoyable stories but also feed your soul.

  2. "... a home which had been loved by many generations."


  3. A lovely post, Rebecca. Love that phrase, "aromas always hanging heavy in her kitchen". And I enjoyed the paragraph excerpt you share from Village Centenary. I feel the peacefulness as I read.

    To find that peaceful place for my own heart and home oft comes from the learning to be content without resentment in whatever circumstances and finding the gratefulness for the tiniest of pleasures and treats.

    Wishing you a beautiful week ahead...

    1. I concur, Brenda! ♥
      Esp. re. "gratefulness for the tiniest...."
      It IS a beautiful life!


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)