Choosing Life

The actual details aren't so important for the public to know,
but the experience was a heavy one at a personal level.
Reflecting on it at the end of the day, I wrote:

I helped choose life today.
The choice was not uncomplicated.
It’s so easy when speaking hypothetically
to know exactly what to do.
It’s completely another thing in “real” time.
Things aren’t quite so simple; so clear then…
So I listened.  I looked.  I interpreted.
We felt quite confused and a bit helpless. We prayed.
And then we said “yes”.
Yes to tests and x-rays, blood samples and antibiotics.
Things that we might have said “no” to under hypothetical circumstances.
Things to which we might say “no” tomorrow.
But today, I helped choose life,
and the choice was very complicated.

 "Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. 
Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. 
Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!"  
Deuteronomy 30:19
(Interestingly, it appears the choices we make TODAY, make a difference
in not only OUR lives, but the lives of our descendants.) 


  1. What you said in the parentheses is true about every choice we make. Thank you for your transparency. We should all THINK before we act or speak every time. It's not easy,is it? And those actions or words should be based on Scripture, as you did.

  2. To choose life is beautiful; each tiny or large choice we make is significant.

    1. SO true. As hard as the present circumstances are, the hours are filled with beauty and significance...

  3. Replies
    1. Me, too. The alternative is in His hands; His timing

  4. This choice you faced might explain something strange that happened to me last night. I had a very vivid and unforgetable dream--about you. Small portions are still with me today and I thought of you, wondered. I was with you and your husband and we were going somewhere with an agenda. We went through my hometown and growing up areas which your husband knew somewhat although he grew up in Canada! Eventually, we made it to your children's where you introduced them to was a gathering but I never could get the reason or why I was there...and then the rest is gone. I guess I could "feel" your heavy time. But then you of all people know you are never alone. Blessings and strength to you.

    1. Dreams DO intrigue me. I'm happy to have been a part of yours. :)
      It's been an interesting journey, these past 3 days.....

  5. God bless you, Rebecca, God bless you.

  6. I think the key is what you said "We prayed." Next time when you pray you may get the sense that it is a no, and that is what you might say.

    Trust Him to lead. Prayers for you on this journey.

    1. Oh, YES, Deanna! I believe that too. Thanks for the encouragement to "trust" - and the prayers. It IS a journey.

  7. Bless your heart. We are sometimes faced with such tough decisions. God spared us having to make a difficult one with my Dad when he called him home over 20 years ago. Prayers for you, sweet Lady. You'll know exactly what choice to make "next time"....through more prayer.


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)