Timely and Challenging

I follow a new person on Twitter.  Mark Batterson.  A pastor and author (apparently).  
I found these particular tweets of his timely and challenging.  Encouraging and incentivizing...

God's gift to us is ETERNITY. Our gift to Him is TIME.
    If you LISTEN TO GOD people will LISTEN TO YOU because you'll have something to say.


  1. These are all good, but "If you listen to God,.." resonates the most with me. Having become disillusioned with organized religion and numb from rote prayer, I still feel the Power of something greater. Often when I have helped other people, I still hear God and feel him come out of my mouth, grateful to be some kind of conduit from something unexplainable.

  2. Irregular things...


    Cheering that!

  3. "When you UNDERESTIMATE your sinfulness, you UNDERVALUE the grace of God."

    Similar to a comment made in our Bible study recently: "Until we know that there is very bad news, we cannot appreciate the good news!"

    (Thanks for your thoughtful comment on my blog and for your prayers for Ron!!)

    1. How easily we lose perspective when it comes to the subject of our sinfulness and God's grace!

  4. Oh my...several of these pricked my heart. Thank you...much needed truth spoken to me. You're a precious daughter full of obedience, my Friend!

  5. Lots of wisdom in those quotes. Do you have a favorite? Mine is the next to the last.

    1. Interesting question, Vee! I like that one, too. But "If you do the LITTLE THINGS like they're big things, God will do the BIG THINGS like they're little things" just might be my favorite - today :)

  6. Yes. One decision away. Put like that, we must be very careful. All the time.


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)