Destination: Redkey

 Day trips are one of the ways we are spending our recent retirement.
On the way to our destination yesterday, we stopped in Decatur (IN)
at one of the thrift stores we occasionally check out.  
I was pleased to find this unusual small covered dish - for a quarter!

 Then, arriving in Redkey,
we parked the car behind this stop sign,
 stepped onto the sidewalk and took a peek at the street fair ahead of us.

Before venturing forward we turned the corner to check out Jeffrey Miller's shop.
 We were amazed by this colorful display of mid-century modern glassware in its window!
Corner Store Antiques ~ "Mid-centery and Beyond" 
This place was chock full of interesting mid-century pieces!
After a stroll through a couple of other shops,
a walk through the street fair,
and purchase of two amazing taffy apples sold by the local Nazarene Church,
we headed home on country roads.
I asked Gary to back up and stop the car so I could get a picture of this deserted building.
(Not sure WHY it captured my fancy.....)
Banks of beautiful trees in their autumn splendor 
lined fields to our right and to our left as we traveled roads we'd never traveled before.
I am so thankful for this season in our lives 
and the health and resources to enjoy it. 

Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, 
who created all the lights in the heavens. 
He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.  (James 1:17)


  1. I love reading about all of your little adventures since retirement.

  2. I assume this building was a church before? Love you trip! I know how good Indiana must feel right now in this season. I remember going through Decatur a couple of times. A small, big town as I remember. I think it was in the old train station we found a huge flea market full of interesting goodies. You certainly did okay on the sweet blue and white!!! Enjoy the weekend!

    1. It probably WAS a church (although that's NOT a cross on top).....So sad to me to see old buildings falling apart. And yes, you have an accurate memory of Decatur.

      You have a good weekend, too!

  3. That white pot with the blue flowers is gorgeous. Love the colorful glassware too!

  4. So happy you're enjoying retirement. What a simple, low-key way to spend the day. The covered dish you got for ONLY 25 cents....very pretty! HOPE you have a great weekend!

  5. The "church" picture is actually the one-room school my Mother attended. This is probably the most photographed structure in Jay County. So happy you made the trip to Redkey. THANK YOU for the kind words.

    1. Thanks, Jeff! I really DID think it could possibly be a school....

  6. I love these kinds of adventures! That old building looks like an old church. I love 'ruins.'


    1. Interestingly, it was a school! An acquaintance of ours saw my photo and said his mother used to attend it and that it is the most photographed structure in the county!

  7. I love to read about your day trips. ..and more than once, I've wished I could be there with you.


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)