Moments to Remember

 ♪ Though summer turns to winter
And the present disappears
The laughter we were glad to share
Will echo through the years
When other nights and other days
May find us gone our separate ways
We will have these moments to remember....♪

Thanksgiving found my husband and I going two different directions.
It was a most unusual holiday.  
The photos above come from two different locations,
but all reflect the reality that Thanksgiving is a state of the heart.
It doesn't depend on place, menu, or ANY circumstances, for that matter...
Seeing my husband walk in the door five hours earlier than I expected this morning
is my most recent reason to be thankful.
My heart is full.


  1. Stopping by to see how you're glad to hear of your surprised blessing. God is so good! :)

  2. A full heart is a good thing!

    May your holidays be filled with love, peace and joy ~ FlowerLady

    1. Yes, it is (a full heart.....)! Thank you for your wishes, Lorraine. I send them back to you, pressed down and running over.

  3. You are right, of course. My husband and I enjoyed our Thanksgiving together yesterday alone. We were thankful for all our blessings and for each other.

    1. :) With age, I have come to the place where I can say, with the Apostle Paul "I have learned to be content..." in most circumstances. Still room for improvement, but when it comes to holidays, I've learned not to set my expectations "in cement", so to speak...

  4. Rebecca: Your words of the song really spoke to me! Have tears in my eyes as I copied them down.I send my love to you.


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)