Disappointment in the Flower Bed

As I posted these pictures on my Garden Blog last night, a post for THIS site was forming in my mind.  "Lots of vine; little fruit," was my observation of an unexpected plant in one of our flowerbeds.  Apparently the seed was planted last year when I dumped a few rotting gourds into the flower bed.  I'd been letting the vine grow, waiting to see what "fruit" it would produce.Zucchini?  Cucumber?  Pumpkin?  Now it appears that for all the leaves that have greedily hoarded more and more space in my flower bed, I will only be harvesting two tiny gourds--and those, only decorative.  No nutritional value.

The words of an old gospel song came to my mind.   Its poetry is based on the story of Jesus cursing the fig tree, I believe.  (Mark 11:12-25).   "Nothing But Leaves"...

♪ The Master is seeking a harvest
In lives He's redeemed by His blood;
He seeks for the fruit of the Spirit,
And works that will glorify God.
Nothing but leaves for the Master,
Oh, how His loving heart grieves,
When instead of the fruit He is seeking,
We offer Him nothing but leaves. ♪
(Mrs. H.S. Lehman)
I'm instructed by my disappointment in the flower bed!  
My disappointment is insignificant compared to HIS when HE sees lots of vine; little fruit.


  1. Wonderful posting Rebecca, I don't remember this song, what a great challenge for me to not give Him leaves but to strive for Him to see, and gather fruit, in my life. Much for thought here!!


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)