The Key?

I did a LOT of reading while on Silent Retreat (see prior post) last week.
With "JOY" emerging as the primary theme of the week,
and "HEALTH" a close second, 
The Key to both may well be words I copied onto a very un-artsy screen sketched in my journal.
They read:  "Try not to project yourself too often on to the screen of  your reflections."
I've noticed the way technology (in my case Pinterest, blogs and facebook) has
encouraged self-centeredness (as if it needed any encouraging) in me
 and am trying to sort out, evaluate and and curb the tendency to
excessive self-reflecting in myself...

 He must increase, but I must decrease.  (John 3:30)
Along the trail at the Abbey of Gethsemani


  1. I have realized that the more I think about my issues the less I can see Him in my life. Thank you for reminding us that we need to keep our eyes on Him Always! Welcome back by the way...

    1. Thank you, Maria. It's good to be "back"...

  2. I have also been sorting this out Rebecca. I dropped sharing my likes etc. on Pintrest long ago but visit the board on occasion for inspiration and recipes. I also have done away with my likes etc..what books I read , music I like. I will keep my blog and FB and share certain things but my main focus will be Christ and hopefully his light will shine through even if I am sharing a hobby or my art. I am also glad your I need to get back LOL

    1. Everyone certainly needs to live this out differently, Dee. So thankful for the gentle (and sometimes NOT so gentle) voice of the Spirit that gives us direction and calls us back to course when we stray....

  3. Rebecca...I read that people who journal are more successful people.
    I'm so happy that you journal...and you know that I love being here and reading your blog...and enjoy being your blogging friend.
    I have a request. I pulled up your comment (for my blog) on my cellphone, and I touched "publish" on my itty bitty keys; it is next to "delete"...and I was heartsick. I deleted your comment. I am so very sorry. There was nothing I could do to get it back, and I wanted you to know how much I appreciate and love the comment, and do apologize for deleting it by accident. I would have loved to have published it...had my fingers not been so fat (or the cellphone keys so close together.) I'm learning a lesson...enlarge, enlarge, enlarge...before hitting publish on my cellphone...or else use my computer.
    Again, my sincerest apologies to you, dear friend. I did get it...loved it...would have published and commented....but I messed it up!

  4. I seem to have, or be, coming to same conclusion about blogging it does seem self-centered.
    Some questions I keep asking myself, who am I blogging for, and why am I blogging, and exactly what purpose does it really serve, and is it what i should be doing with my time? Blogging is a bit like keeping a journal, but not really, because a blog is being written for an audience, a journal is generally for private use.
    I like looking back through my blog and looking at my thoughts on particular days, my grandsons love looking at pictures of themselves on the blog, my Mom enjoys catching up with us by reading the blog, but these do not seem reason enough to keep blogging.
    I am at a crossroads right now, to blog or not to blog, to close the blog or simply leave it as is, I am wrestling with the decision.


    1. An interesting dilemma, isn't it? For the reasons you list in the 2nd paragraph, I think there IS value in it. As long as you keep answering those questions as honestly as possible -- for YOURSELF and between you and the Father -- I think you'll make a good decision.

      For me, it is NOT so much a question of time since I can compose a blog in minutes. It's limiting my time at OTHER PEOPLES' blogs that can get out of control for me...

  5. Much thought for me, today, Rebecca! I think going on a silent retreat would be a great way to reconnect with your self, and to set priorities. I find when I do have time, I am usually visiting in blogland! I have always been an avid reader, that is, until I found blogging. ~smile~Thanks for sharing.
    Enjoy your day

    1. I know. I know (about "until I found blogging")...

  6. What a wonderful post! Encouraging and uplifting for me. I, too, have struggled in this area. I have thought of shutting everything down - blogs and Facebook, but am learning more self-control. I knew Pintrest would be a major downfall for me, so I've never signed up. I definitely want my focus to be Christ. Abundant blessings on your day!

  7. Hi Rebecca,
    Yes, blogging is a fun hobby, but surely can get out of hand, if we don't watch it.
    That is for sure............nice to know everyone struggles with being balanced, and
    that we have the Holy Spirit to guide us.

    Thanks for coming by yesterday hon, I have missed you, but sure understand.
    blessings, Nellie

  8. some simple words, simple thinking
    but, profound and true.
    I hope my blog reflects more of Jesus than me.
    God Bless, Deanna

  9. Yes! Needed that verse!


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)