In My "Mature Years"...

 I really DO enjoy spending time taking in the
beauty of our simple yard and flower beds.
  I forget names,
 I forget to water,
 I never fertilize....
 so easy-to-care-for perennials are what are called for
here at Gatescroft.
 I spent the early (cooler) morning hours this morning
deadheading our white rose bushes and picking a few mulberries
to add to some other mixed, fresh berries for a healthy, fruit snack.
 But mostly, I just like to stroll around with my cell phone camera
and capture the latest blooms.
 Frequently, while editing the photos, I see SOMEthing to tweak, rearrange,
pull or trim back--
like the foliage of these two plants below
that I've already forgotten the name of!
This appreciation and desire for tending yard and flower beds came late to me. 
What interest, skill or activity have you acquired or developed 
in YOUR mature years?

Isaiah 58:11 
The LORD will always lead you, satisfy you in a parched land, and strengthen your bones. 
You will be like a watered garden and like a spring whose waters never run dry.


  1. I am learning how to weave. I just acquired a loom, and I am slowly learning how to weave a scarf. My goal is to weave rugs and place them around the cottage :) Lovely garden Rebecca.

    1. Oh, Maria! What a beautiful skill/craft to acquire. I hope to see some of your work one of these days.

  2. Lovely gardens Rebecca. Keep enjoying each day and have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  3. Your gardens are beautiful and that looks like lilies in your first photo and maybe clematis in your second. Right? My lilies are blooming like crazy now and the hostas are gigantic this year. Some of my favorite time is spent in our flower gardens. I don't have all of your unusual accessories and yard art though and that really makes your gardens.

    1. You are right, Sandy :) (lilies & clematis)

  4. Oh Rebecca, there are so many wonderful things to do. I've learned to knit badly because I lack patience. I'm learning about photography and writing a novel. And I've been learning a few new ways to cook with more natural, healthy foods. Mediterranean, mostly. Your garden is lovely and I love that you named the place! Thanks for visiting and commenting today!

    1. What diverse interests & skills you are developing, Debora! (I tried knitting some time ago and gave it up for the same reason.)

  5. I am always finding things I would like to learn to do and I find that exciting. I like the name of your fits your decor and gardening.

    1. New interests DO keep us active -- in mind and body :)
      Yeah, I wanted to name our "property" for quite awhile and came up with that a couple of years ago, I think. I wanted something "portable" so that if we moved (downsized), I could still use the sign. Now is THAT thinking ahead or what?!?

  6. Your gardens are lovely! "Easy-to-care-for" is the name of the game in my book!
    New skill? Hmmmm...I am trying to learn more about photography, although it's slow going.

    1. Photography is fascinating, isn't it? I doubt that I'll get much further than my handy cell phone camera and Picasa 3 editing assistance - but it's SO much further than I was before blogging - so who knows????

    2. Neat post, Rebecca. I'm always trying new hobbies. Lately, I'm interested in beekeeping. We'll see on that one! Thinking of adding hives to the farm next spring!

  7. Wouldn't we have a great time waltzing through our gardens with each other in the morning!

    1. I think we WOULD -- though I'd need to brush up on my "waltzing"!


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)