The Little Foxes

 For quite awhile, the right-hand door of this old wardrobe
needed a folded paper jammed in its crack to hold it closed.
It was a "little" thing that we put off fixing.
Recently, my husband installed this magnet (above).
How WONDERFUL not to be constantly attending to the loose door.
Why DIDN'T we do it sooner?
 And this "small" thing...
How handy it's been!  A place to hang shirts when they come out of the dryer
and for guests' coats when the coat closet is already full.
(It can be removed if/when I think it to be an eyesore.)

Attention to the "small" things is so critical in my personal life, I've found.
The "little foxes" have potential for both  good AND for bad.
 Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom.
(Song of Solomon 2:15)
The first hint of a selfish, sinful thought or desire;
the "little" departure from truth;
the "small" conformity to the world;
for me, the first bite of chocolate!
WhatEVER trips me up in pursuing God's plan and purpose 
for my good and His glory must be "caught" and dealt with.
And the "small" thing  which He prompts me to pursue
I will similarly and joyfully do! 
If not, my vineyard may be ruined.

(What "little fox" has made a difference in YOUR "vineyard" recently?)


  1. Hi Rebecca,

    That is a very fitting scripture to remind us of those little things that can add unnecessary stress and even in Solomon's reference great damage sometimes.
    It reminds me of the warnings in James about the tongue being a small thing can cause such trouble.
    And I can sure relate to that first bite of chocolate! Yipes...I just over did it myself recently!
    ~God bless~ Lisa

    1. Yes! The James/tongue warning is in a similar vein, Lisa!

  2. Just wanted to say that I have this exact wardrobe. It was purchased at an antique store in Kansas City, Missouri several years ago and now graces our home in Palmer, Alaska. Warmest wishes, Beth

    1. How interesting, Beth Ann! Do you know any more about yours? (We have no history on this one.)

  3. This post is truly talking to me about the little foxes in my vineyard....Loving the has character along with usefulness. :)

  4. Such a great reminder! Far too often I hang my hat on the HUGE things I've asked of the Lord, often missing the line-upon-line (little) responses He provides. In time, when I look back and with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, I see how He's knit all the little things together. They make HUGE look itty bitty.

    Way to be resourceful! Way to inpsire us to think outside the box.


  5. I have found that very thing...if I just take time to fix whatever it is, it usually doesn't take nearly as long and isn't half as dreadful as what I'd been, well, dreading.

    Good reminder, Rebecca. Timely.

    1. Nice to find myself in such good company, Rhonda!

  6. Hi Rebecca,
    Oh how true that is about it is the lil foxes that spoil the vines. We must be so
    vigilant, as to recognizing them, just like you said about the chocolate. When I went to weight watchers years ago they called they "red light foods", foods that would trip you up, mine were chocolate chip cookies at that time. But it is so wise
    on our part to see the things that trip us up and avoid them, or repent of them before they reallllllllllly get a grip. Much easier to catch a salesman at the threshold of the door, than once he gets into your house, then you are gonna have some trouble getting him true of the lil foxes and the enemy of our soul, if we give him opportunity like it says in ephesian 4:26 and 27.

    and it is so true about how we put off just fixing lil things like that which can
    make such a difference. We had some trouble with our dresser, the drawers wouldn't close all the way unless you did a special procedure to help them along, at first, it was one, then two and on and on, finally hubby fixed them, and what a blessing, and we both realized how much extra time we were wasting just trying to
    keep the silly things looking neat by closing them. So true of our spiritual lives too, when we drive a stake it ends the struggling. Praise the Lord.

    Hope all is well with you hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

    1. :) Your comment just reminded me about a dresser drawer. I "encountered" it again while trying to pack for our vacation trip. Mostly, it needs the pull refastened. There MIGHT be something going on with the slide, too. Mostly, I've just avoided it since there's nothing I need frequently in it...


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)