The Entire Horizon

"Wish I could see the entire horizon! The small part of sky I see & the effects of the sunrise 
are sure beautiful...." 
I wistfully wrote on my facebook wall yesterday morning.  I had looked out the window and noticed  the small bit of sky I COULD see (we are surrounded by buildings and trees) was an unusually saturated orange shade.  Seconds later, a focused beam of sunshine hit the building across the street (also visible through my window).

At the same time I hit the enter key, I had a blog post forming in my mind!  But before I could get started on it, my nephew posted the following:

John Piper (1984): "God puts on a minor display of his strength and splendor every morning as he brings the sun up over the horizon — 865,000 miles thick, 1.3 million times heavier than the earth, blazing on its cool edges at one million degrees Centigrade! Every morning has its opening ceremonies to thrill us with the power and the glory of God and fill us with hope that one day we will enter a land where all the wonders that have inspired us on this little earth will be like blurry dots in comparison."

Then, a few minutes later, my husband sent the picture.  He HAD been able to see the horizon as he traveled the country road to his office at our church. 

Now here's the gist of the post that formed in my mind yesterday.  We DON'T always get to see the entire horizon!   But SOMEone does!   Just because I can't see it myself, doesn't mean it doesn't exist and that it isn't beautiful!  The question is:  Am I remembering that there is One who DOES see the entire horizon? And am I trusting Him -- knowing that sooner or later, He will send me the "picture" so that I can view it from His perspective? 

(Just another "life lesson" that I'm determined to learn!) 


  1. Amen...AMEN!! Love the quote from John Piper also. This shot is beautiful.

    I thought of you yesterday when I started reading "The Road of Blessings" by Penelope Wilcock the author The Hawk and The Dove

    1. I haven't read that one yet, Janette. I had good intentions of following up the first (and only) one I read - but haven't so far. Is "The Road of Blessings" fiction?

    2. No it isn' isn't the follow up to The Hawk and The is her own spiritual journey. I finished it in three days...marked it from top to bottom and going back for a second read. It is one of the two books that has me stewing.!!! I hope your pot does well.

  2. The sky looked like that in West Michigan too. So beautiful!

  3. This brings to mind the task of trying to see the big picture. Something that Jake and I are struggling to do with our relationship with Katie. Looking beyond what we can actually see. A very hard task which involves lots of prayer. The photo is quite beautiful Rebecca. Love Di ♥

    1. It isn't easy....SOMEtime impossible (to look beyond.....) As surely as I could only see a very limited part of the sky that morning, there WAS a whole horizon out there!

      Faith and prayer. Prayer and faith, my friend.

  4. Your life lessons are Amazing...

  5. Beautiful lessons, only a beautiful lady like you can share them with us. Thank you my dear. Thank you for the tip on the uploading, I emmediatelly tried it to see if it worked like you said and sure enough, it did upload faster...THANKS A LOT!!!!! Thank you so much for your sweet visit too. Big hugs,

    1. GOOD! Glad it helped. I have so much to learn about technology.

  6. I'm finding the word trust in corners all over the place. It's making me think and pray about my trust. I know I'd rather that I could see the whole horizon. The photograph is beautiful. And John Piper's quote, too.

  7. This is a wonderful life lesson! We do see through a glass darkly sometimes, don't we? Just today, as I prayed for no more frost and ice because it's difficult to walk the dog in the mornings without slipping...I wondered if there is a good reason for frost and ice that I'm unaware of. Maybe it's killing pests that would ruin crops or providing more water for summer. It really is all about perspective.

  8. Hi Rebecca,
    Such a great point indeed. Loved what John Piper had to say too.
    That is so true.....and we can so easily forget, don't you just hate
    that we can be such dumb sheep sometimes!! lol
    So interesting that your hubby could see the whole sunrise, and that it
    went right along with your devotional for today. God is good, and he was
    probably smilin'............
    Hope you are doing well hon.
    Thanks for coming by, hubby is still fighting off his cold, am so praying I don't get it, at least not before Sat., as that is Megans baby shower.

    Have a great day tomorrow hon,
    Blessings, Nellie

  9. Powerful words of witness, backed up by the beautiful picture! Yes, God sees it all. I really, really love this, Rebecca. Thanks for weaving it all together.



Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)