Last to Know

I'm sure everyone already knows about Asian Slaw.  (I'm usually the last to know!)   I've had the recipe for a couple of years now.  It's a hit just about anywhere I serve/ take it.  Yesterday was no exception.  This is the largest of my glass mixing bowls.  It was pretty full.  It came back from the potluck empty.  Well, empty of slaw, anyway.  Sitting inside it is a jar of homemade zucchini relish.  It's the BEST!  A friend sent it home with me.

Asian Slaw
3 pkg. beef flavored raimen noodle soup, break up noodles
1 pkg. 16 oz. slaw mixture
1 c. salted, roasted sunflower seeds
1 c. sliced almonds
1 bunch green onions, chopped
Layer those ingredients.
Whisk together:
1/2 sugar
3/4 c. oil
1/4 c. white vinegar
3 of the flavor packs from the raimen noodles.
Pour over the slaw & cover tightly.
Chill 24 hours before serving.
Toss & serve.
 An outdoor worship service and baptisms...
 food and conversation...
swimming & fishing.
All in the company of our wonderful church friends.
It was a great Sunday.


  1. Oh it looked like a great Sunday! I hope that water wasn't too cold, Yikes!!
    The Asian slaw sounds really good Rebecca. I'll give it a try on a weekend when Jake is home, thanks! Love Di ♥

  2. I was given this recipe a couple of years ago, isn't it just the best tasting salad?? We love it, I don't make it often, but when I do it is always enjoyed.
    Looks as if everyone had a very nice Sunday.


    1. Yes, we DID have a good Sunday. And it is a great salad! Gary got it at the Greater Harlan Business Association (when it was still an organization). They took turns providing the lunches & I think it as Nancy McKinley who made it. Gary liked it and asked for the recipe.....

  3. After reading the recipe I can see why your bowl came home empty. :) it also looks easy.

  4. I have this salad a few times but never had the recipe, so thank you very much for providing it. I'm going to make it for Labor Day!

  5. This sounds delicious and I have never heard of it so, new for me. I will have to give it a try.
    The outdoor baptism was wonderful, I'm sure. I was baptized so many years ago but always wanted to go through it again outside.

  6. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog! Your recipe sounds good. It's quite a different salad than the ones we eat in Holland.

    Happy day!


  7. I guess you were the SECOND last to know! I've never heard of it.....but I would surely eat yours.

  8. It all sounds so lovely.
    I love that salad!

  9. I haven't had that salad in a long time but love it. This recipe seems slightly different from the one I've seen...sounds so yummy with the almonds!

  10. Asian slaw is such a handy recipe to have for large crowds. Nice for using up a big head of cabbage too! That pic of the baptism reminded me of my own baptism in a little alpine lake, many many years ago. Which reminds me of how faithful Jesus has been to me for all of these years. Thanks for the reminder!

  11. You're right - about great for large crowds....AND about Jesus' faithfulness!


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)