i for got my how to play the piano

During the school year, I'd been giving free piano lessons to a young neighbor girl. After summer vacation began, her mother and I  just never got around to setting up a summer schedule. And so, earlier this week, I received this message on my facebook page:
 i for got my how to play the piano 
i am so sorry
I smiled as I read it and then invited her down to spend an hour at my house.  I told her we'd review "piano" and she could spend some time arranging the doll houses that share the room with the piano.  (I suspected this news would make her very happy since I know she likes the doll houses waaaaay more than piano lessons.)

She arrived at the appointed time with her little sister.  She played the piano a bit, then I set the timer for 10 minutes so she could arrange the doll house.  Then it was back to piano for a spell.  And so we passed the hour.

Reflecting on  the precious note she sent me that got the "ball rolling", I thought about how many times I've said (in effect) to the Lord, "I for got my how to play the piano i am so sorry".  My words may be awkward, but they get the ball rolling!  The Lord reads between the lines and knows my heart.  He invites me to spend some time with Him.  Knowing my limitations, He welcomes me and offers forgiveness, quiet waters, pleasures, and refreshment.  He gently reminds me of His Word and gives me new insight and instruction about Life and Godliness.

He IS faithful and just to forgive my sin.
He cleanses me from all unrighteousness.
He DOES restore my soul.  
He sets my feet on solid ground.   
He leads me in paths of righteousness for His Name's sake.

At the end of the hour, I told the girls I would take a picture of the rooms they'd arranged and then they'd better get home so their mother didn't worry about them.  To this, my piano student replied, "Oh, she doesn't worry about us as long as she knows we're with YOU!"


  1. i for got my how to....
    What a delightful reminder how to get my ball to rolling this morning.
    Thankyou Rebecca for a boost today.
    holykisses xoxo Lea

  2. ******To this, my piano student replied, "Oh, she doesn't worry about us as long as she knows we're with YOU!"******* What a compliment!

    1. (I MUST say, I'm not sure if this was true or just a bid to stay longer! I suspect a little of both, but heavy on the latter.)

  3. Beautiful...esp. for someone whose own piano is often out of tune!!!!

  4. Oh, how I wish I could run down the street and play with your dollhouse. I've also sort of forgotten how to play the piano...

  5. Awwww... what sweet words those Girls complimented you with... see, people DO describe you as I described my Dear Mom... it's just that so often we don't get to hear the sincere compliments and descriptions others say about us when we're not present! Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could? Sadly, its usually the negatives that 'get back to us' and all the wonderful positives are not revealed nearly as much and it would bouy everyone's Spirit if they only knew how well thought of they truly were! Thanks for joining my 'Virtual 80th Birthday Party' for Mom... it made not being able to be with her in person so much easier to bear.

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  6. My goodness, I don't think I've heard a more wonderful compliment in all my life than the trust placed in you by those little girls Mom! And I can well see why their Mom feels that way!

    This is a very sweet post, and a nice comparison of our relationship to our Teacher! Love it!

    And the dollhouse! That is so sweet too! I think I'd like to spend hours playing with it too!
    Love and Prayers,

  7. How precious are children...they so freely give....your such a compassionate and kind person Rebecca I am sure that was a true compliment. Love your doll house...I want one :)

  8. A promise kept is grace given, this is such an awesome post. Yes, those coincidences aren't coincidences, they are divine appointments. What timely words for you and your husband.

    I scrolled down to your other posts ... saw the damage to your yard, the apples, and the pies so delicious looking.

    And I loved the bit you wrote about the aftermath, Rebecca.

    Glad to be updated about your life. I've been reading your blog for maybe over two years already. The more I read, the more I get to appreciate getting to know you and what life is like over that part of the world.


  9. Just precious... can you see my smile from where you're sitting?


  10. How sweet! The girls response and you!
    Love Di ♥

  11. Precious. And so are the invited times with God. My husband hates to give piano lessons although he has at different times throughout the years. My daughter has, but with four kids has put it on hold until the little one can occupy himself.

    1. Interesting (your husband's feeling about piano lessons.....).

      I enjoy one-on-one time with children; seeing them learn & achieve. I DON'T like it that they are kept so busy and/or unsupervised at home that they don't practice. Practice is essential for progress, and it seems it is NOT a priority in most homes anymore.

      I've also been disappointed by the last minute cancellations for just about any excuse. Seems there is little consideration for another person's time...

  12. you are awesome to do that Rebecca! what a great neighbor you are and I can "hear" your heart in reaching out to those little girls. looking at your comment above...perhaps they will never achieve at playing the piano, but their lives will have been impacted by a kind neighbor lady who made them feel loved and special. perhaps the piano is only a "vehicle" to something more...

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)