Laughter - Good Medicine

Sunday--so pleased was I to fit into a navy blue dress that had been languishing in my closet waiting for my weight loss--so pleased was I about the DRESS that I didn't realize I put my belt on backwards!

I wore it this way to Sunday school and church.  When we got home, I led the way into the house.  My husband said, "Rebecca, I think your belt is on backward."
Eeek!  It was.  For over two hours I had advertised to anyone close enough to read that my lovely navy belt was size LARGE - plus a little MORE information (none of it as humbling as the size).  Little did it matter at that point that the underside of the belt was black,  blending questionably with the navy dress!

A few minutes later we were in the car with my parents who were visiting us trying to find a restaurant open on Memorial Day Sunday.   My cell phone rang.  It was a friend from church.  "Rebecca.  I meant to tell you at church.....did you know that you were wearing your belt on the wrong side?  I thought you'd want to know."

I thanked her and assured her she was a TRUE friend, and that I needed her in my life!  She said she hoped I'd do the same for her, adding "except I never wear belts!"

Our carload had a good laugh about that phone call, as you can imagine.

 Even if there is nothing to laugh about, laugh on credit. Anonymous Author
 Laugh at yourself first, before anyone else can. Elsa Maxwell
  Those who do not know how to weep with their whole heart,
 don't know how to laugh either. Golda Meir
When a person can no longer laugh at himself, it is time for others to laugh at him. Thomas Szasz
 Laughter is a holy thing. It is as sacred as music and silence and solemnity, maybe more sacred. Laughter is like a prayer, like a bridge over which creatures tiptoe to meet each other. Laughter is like mercy; it heals. When you can laugh at yourself, you are free. Ted Loder


  1. Oh dear! I have a couple of stories similar to that. One dear lady from our previous church, used to read the missionary newsletter. She had been in the ladies room just before she walked down the isle to the front of the church ~ with her skirt tucked into the waist of her panty hose in the back. I was not there to witness the 'event' but I certainly hope someone helped her out immediately! :~O
    And my personal story is:
    I used to drive school bus many years ago. I arose early, and not wanting to awaken my husband, I dressed without the lights on. (You can see it coming, I'm sure!) I drove to work, drove the bus full of kids, went to a drivers meeting, then went shopping. As I was reaching for some milk in the dairy section, I suddenly realized my shirt was on INSIDE OUT ~ all day ~ nobody said anything!!! I rushed to the restroom and took the shirt off and turned it right side out then hastily purchases my groceries and went home! I don't know why nobody told me ~ I kept thinking they must think I was trying to start a new trend! Oh, well. I need to be humbled every now and then! ;~P (I dress with the lights on now!)

    1. I DO feel a bit better now! Thanks for sharing the two stories.

  2. A smile, indeed, Rebecca.
    I have worn a navy shoe with a black shoe (same style shoe....loved the flats so much that I bought them in both colors.) I had put them on in the A.M. in a dim light. In the sunlight (at school where I taught) my mistake was apparent. I just grinned and "bore" it all day...sigh. Gotta laugh at oneself.
    Hugs and big smiles to you,

  3. I'm sure your navy and black shoes blended as questionably as My navy dress and black belt! But I'm starting to feel better being in such fine company :)

  4. I've done some very similar things. Just focus on the fact that it fit and have a good chuckle. Wishes for a great week.

  5. I would have told you right away!! I've had such incidents at church before and fortunately none of our ladies will hold back from a good laugh, even in church!LOL!!!!
    Tell Gary he needs to check his wife out more closely BEFORE service!!
    Love Di ♥

    1. Unfortunately, as the preacher he leaves the house sometimes as early as 5:30-6:00. I am not in my Sunday clothes when he leaves....But we definitely MUST come up with a better system. The older I get, the more fashion blunders I'm making!

  6. Oh, I love that first quote, "laugh on credit." I have an aunt who is absolutely great at this. She's been a good example to me.

    I'm glad you could laugh about your little belt incident. For once in your life, Rebecca, you were a black belt! How about that? :)

    1. I hope it's the LAST time, too, Rhonda! :)

  7. LOL...that is funny...I am glad you are able to laugh at yourself as well. :)

  8. Oh this is priceless! I always say, "laugh with me, just not at me!" There is a difference.

    1. Sometimes I understand why people DO laugh at me, though :)

  9. Pretty lovely and funny story! I like you laught at your belt story. I do such kind of things too. Thanks!

  10. Ha ha ha! That is a funny one. Funny how some of our best goof-ups are always so public!

  11. I have the exact same story as the other Jackie! Years ago I wore one navy and one black shoe to work. I had to get up and dressed while it was still dark and they were the identical style of flats! When I got to work under the bright lights my goof was apparent to all! These days I often cut the size label out of my clothes. So I know how you feel about the "large" showing! LOL

  12. Too funny!
    I'd need about three X's before the large - which means that I do NOT wear belts.

  13. Sorry I missed it..............

  14. My kids heard me I read it to them and they laughed too:) Thank-you for sharing your laughter.


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)