Party Time

My fellow clubbers arrived at the home of our hostess for our Christmas meeting
this afternoon.
 It's an annual tradition, this December meeting at Sonnie's house.
 Just inside the door, this life-sized snowman greeted all of us!
 The main Christmas tree was beautiful--I just didn't get a good picture.
There was plenty of beauty everywhere
 Below, one of the three tables at which we enjoyed a wonderful buffet-style dinner.
Each of us went home with a bag of lovely gifts
and a box of home-made turtle candies,
thanks to our amazing hostess.
 I'm realizing how many circles of friends I am blessed with.  
Although there is a little "overlap" among a few of them,
my friends represent a wide variety of ages, interests and backgrounds.
I'm VERY thankful and count these friends dear --
especially during this beautiful season.

Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more...


  1. Oh Rebecca, what a wonderful party you had. The home does look gorgeous along with the beautiful decor. I can just imagine how delicious the buffet must have been and the table looks so beautiful, in the holliday mood. Thank you for sharing sweet lady.
    Merry Christmas. FABBy

  2. What fun!

    You are blessed to have such good friendships!


  3. Fun! I love going to friends' at Christmas and seeing their decor. Turtles, oh man!

  4. What a lovely party. I, too, feel so blessed to have circles of friends.

  5. Sonnie's home looks warm, comfortable, and inviting. And I'm not surprised that you have such a wide variety of friends, having you for a friend is spiritually uplifting, and you promote such a feeling of kinship with God.
    'Makes one want to cultivate their own Heavenly garden. And that is something that has no boundaries and it goes way beyond age, and background. It attracts people from all walks of life.
    Love and Prayers,

  6. Rebecca, I am just catching up with some blog most everyone else, I have been busy with lots of things.

    Looks like you had a lovely party today, and I agree with you about the blessing of friends.
    But what has really struck me tonight as I have perused your last few days' posts is your contemplation of a Christian's celebration.

    I'm afraid I also fall into that category of wanting to create a warm and festive ambience. One thing I have found that centers my thoughts, however (besides His Word, of course), are the glorious words to the Christmas carols. Oh, how those words and thoughts draw my heart to my Messiah!

  7. Thank you, Rebecca, for sharing the link from "Letters From Midlife." Lots to think about...

  8. What a festive table setting! Faithful friends are certainly a treasure. I'm sure they value you as much as you do them!

  9. I loved this post! It is a great blessing to have friends, and lots of them!


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)