She Is a Busy One!

This granddaughter came (with her parents) 
to pick up her brothers.  
It was hard to tell who missed whom the most!
I was determined to get some pictures 
of our Ethiopian-born beauty,
but she was a Busy One!
It wasn't easy.
 It was a complicated process - getting this naked baby-doll 
wrapped up and tucked into her doll bed!  
Every success was followed by a gentle pat on the back,
as if to reassure the baby-doll that all was well.
Then came the un-tucking and un-wrapping and the process was repeated.
Over and over again.

Her name isn't Martha.  But she made me think of Martha in the Bible.
Friend of Jesus.   But a Busy One.
In danger of missing the most "important thing"
because of her busyness.
Many of us are aware of this possibility in our own lives.
A few of us have made the necessary adjustments.
I'm among those for whom maintaining balance will be a lifelong endeavor...
How are YOU doing?


  1. Ouch! Maintaing balance is so difficult for me. Now that I read this...I am getting off my computer to do other things. Thank you!

  2. Balance, it's a good thing. Sometimes I swing to much toward busyness and then I swing back toward sloth!

    Your granddaughter is a beauty! So sweet to see them playing with their babydolls....

  3. Love the imagery! You know... tucking is a very important job for a mother. I'm especially thinking on it tonight... the Martha in me!!! The Mary in me just wants to sit and cry.

    Love this thought.


  4. She is a doll!!! It seems that you have been quite busy yourself from a look at previous posts:)
    Hope you are staying cool..
    Love and blessings, Jerelene

  5. she is a beauty. Love the Martha / Mary reference!

  6. What a cutie! You have been enjoying the Grands! I need to get together with you when I get home. I need to wait to post about my trip because I forgot the cord to upload from my camara. Donna

  7. I'm much more a Mary in a Martha world. I've heard there's a book by that title. I really should read it. I keep a Martha pace but I think that's why I had the crash I recently had. My Mary was aching!!

    Your Ethiopian born beauty is delightful!

    Blessings, Debbie

  8. What a wonderful lesson and what a beautiful child!

  9. You were able to get a good picture, I love when they are playing and we can sneak one in! It is hard at that age at least for me!
    I try to balance I guess that's what you'd call it. I make lots of lists and mark things off as I complete them. So I guess that would be considered some sort of balance?
    Love Di ♥

  10. Oh I knew this had to be about your precious. A very close friend of mine just brought back two little boys to add to their family from Ethiopia...I just love seeing this...I have wished God had of called us to add more children through many I know have adopted and it is such a blessing to all. I do get the joy of praying for each of these.
    She is a busy one.

  11. I broke my health in my busyness. When we moved to our present town I was no longer a pastor's wife, children's ministry leader and senior pastor's administrative asst. That's not counting the books and articles I was writing. So, so Martha. These days I strive to be more of a Mary. And when I see I'm getting too busy, I'm learning the art of saying "no."

    Such a precious princess.

  12. Your granddaughter is indeed a beauty...and I love the fact that she gently pats her baby on the back following each success. We all need more of that. Continuing to try and maintain my balance, my friend.

  13. What a beautiful living doll, Rebecca!

    Balance huh?.......mine has been teetering lately.

  14. Sweet pictures! I'll bet you are really enjoying her in your family. Blessings!


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)