How & Why I Do It

 Thrifty Style at Sixty(two)

Besides THIS blog (which is the most active of my various sites), l have four others.  By clicking on the captions under the pictures, you can check out my other ones if you're interested.  Sometimes I'm asked how I find time to maintain five blogs...

Scene in our Garden

Well, first of all, I'm a fairly fast typist.  Secondly, I never run out of ideas that seem to need expression!  At various times, one or another of the five take precedent - either out of need (weight management),  because of a particular season (gardening), or to express an interest (thrift store finds for home decorating and fashion).
Power, Love and Self-Control

The main reason I keep the blogs separate rather than combining them into one and using tabs to separate topics is that each blog has its own small set of "followers" and friends--people who might not have a particular interest in the other topics. 

The Gates' Post

<-- This one I keep to post pictures and news about our children and grandchildren (and to offer occasional subtle and not-so-subtle advice to them).

A third way I'm able to keep this many blogs relatively active is that I frequently "double up", using the same pictures or events on more than one blog and approaching them from a slightly different angle.  It doesn't take as much time for me as it might seem.  The pleasure I receive from this creative outlet and the friends I've come to know are well worth the time.  I consider it a hobby.  The inspiration and encouragement for Christian living that I've received from interaction with friends is another reason I continue to post--especially on THIS blog! Here I pass along the lessons God is teaching me from His Word, hoping that others will be encouraged and strengthened in their relationship with the Lord Jesus. 

From time to time I evaluate the time I'm investing 
and try to make the appropriate adjustments.

How about you?  Are you comfortable with your level of participation in the blogging community?
Have you recently evaluated or made adjustments to your blogging habits?
Any tips or suggestions for maintaining a balanced approach?

Whatever you do, work at it wholeheartedly 
as though you were doing it for the Lord and not merely for people.
Colossians 3:23


  1. Very well explained Rebecca. Your God given creative and organized personality gives you the ability to produce such a wonderful blog with ease and joy. Then your love for the Lord puts a warm spirit filled glow upon it. Add wisdom and Bingo...a truly great blog. I love it♥

  2. Well you certainly know what my blogging habits have been as of late, HORRIBLE!!!!!
    But I am starting to feel inspired to get back into the groove! I think this rainy day has inspired me so I may post soon. And of coarse you always inspire and amaze me Rebecca with your commitment. But I suppose we are all entitled to a little break!
    I find it truly amazing that you can keep up with five blogs. Keep up the good work!!
    Love Di ♥

  3. I just go with the flow of my life...blogging when I can. Spring is always a busy time here, I'm lucky to post every 2 weeks. The past 2 days have been so perfect, outside is where I've been.

  4. I've got a book bag filled with notes with the intentions one day of writing a book. Maybe one of these days I will get to it, maybe I won't. In the meantime, I enjoy blogging. I'm very random in my thoughts, so the title Rabbit Trails worked well for me!
    I do like the ability to blog posts and schedule when they will be posted. That way, when I feel *bloggy*, I won't post FOUR in one day, they can be meted out.

  5. Very informative! I loved hearing your explanations for the different blogs. I'd love to do more, but our internet connection makes everything difficult as well as my lack of computer literacy. I have slowed down on my posts because of busyness and lack of feedback. I have only a few followers and it makes it difficult to justify the time spent posting (especially because that part is difficult for me). I have a great desire to impact people with the various things the Lord has done for me and had hoped that blogging would be an outlet to share those things.

  6. PS: Also, I missed reading your blogs while I was on vacation. I had to share a public computer and could only fit in time for emails! Glad to be back reading your posts!

  7. I only have one looking through your different blogs. God has so healed and encouraged me through blog land and through my own writing, I seem to preach to myself and He talks through that, that at this season of life I love taking time out for blogging. If God changes things and starts another direction then I want to be open to that new direction. I don't want blogging to take away from what He might do that is new...but for now this is where He is teaching, growing and encouraging me.

    Thanks for your post...they are some of the ones that walk me through this Christian journey.

  8. Hi Rebecca,
    Thanks so much for coming by yesterday and for all the kind things you said, and what an encouragement it was to my heart! It is so nice to have fellow believers that rejoice with us!
    Things are going well so far.....believe it or not this morning he got his first paycheck, for 2 days, and he hadn't even worked the full 2nd day yet! What a wonderful surprise that was,
    God is just so amazing!!

    Wow, I am amazed that you have 5 blogs, I did not realize that, I knew you had another one, but not 3 more. Good for you!! I will have to check these others out when I get some time.
    Blessings and thanks again for all your encouraging words,

  9. Just wanted to thank you for your kind comment about my pictures. Thank you! I really appreciate it. The light was just so perfect, I had to capture it!

  10. A post relevant to all us bloggers...

    I'm enjoying this so much. There are days when I probably spend more time than I should at the screen but most days I just do what needs doing (blog wise) in the morining after hubby leaves for work and before the girls are up. And then again when the girls are in bed and hubby has gotten into a movie. It's kinda late but I'm up late anyway...

    For this season I'm having fun and time seems to take care of itself as long as I do everything early, and late.

    Blessings, Debbie

  11. I am at the computer for a good part of my day. I use the excuse that writing is my career. When I'm stuck on what I'm working on, I read a couple blogs and then my mind is fresh again. Right now I'm doing some ghostwriting which I find challenging (trying to write in someone else's voice). So getting to write a post every few days puts me back where I'm comfortable.


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)