Water Falls

 Up quite a few stairs & then a short trail...
classified "moderate" in difficulty due to the steep incline.
 SO worth it to see Mingo Falls (120').  On Cherokee Reservation, it is not very well known by the "locals", but listed in guides so that people from outside the state seem to know more about it than those who live nearby. 
 My stiff knees have the most trouble going DOWN.  But down we went.  At the bottom, I read the bulletin board which gave directions to Soco Falls.  We followed the directions to see another interesting falls - two streams merge creating two falls in one!
By brother waves from the bottom of the falls to help give indicator of its size...
After some delicious ice cream at the ice cream shop,
we returned to the house for some good conversation and bedtime reading. 
I'm really enjoying Marlena De Blasi's, The Lady in the Palazzo:  At Home in Umbria.
More WATER FELL in the form of rain during the late evening.
Strong winds and heavy rain fall were my bedtime lullabies.
"I'd set out to be delighted.  
For if I, myself, were not delighted, what delight would I have to give?"
(M. De. Blasi, page 74)
How delighted I have been these past few days!


  1. Oh how beautiful...thanks for sharing, may I have the same pleasure of seeing it one day myself..how awesome is His creation!

  2. I am so out of the loop--I didn't realize you were going on vacation. Where are you--I mean, where does your brother live?

    Looks like you're having a good time! It is sad about the Borders store--another sign of the times.

  3. Oh Rebecca those photos of the falls were so beautifully inviting! I would have had a difficult time leaving there. They looked very hypnotic! Love Di ♥

  4. What beautiful falls. We have so many here in Oregon but we just need to take the time to go see them.

    Thanks for coming over and visiting me.


  5. What a trail, what a hike, what a sight!

  6. I have walked back into the woods at a lovely place we've visited to see a falls similar to the one you picture. It too is one of those places that is so unspoiled and lovely. Nice pictures!


Writing a Song a Week #3

Writing a Song a Week #3
♪ I wait for the Lord; my soul waits and in his word I hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning ♪ (Psalm 130:5-6)